

發(fā)布于:2019-06-21 16:51:20  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  Wine-making is a complicated process. Wine-making is not only a skill, but also an art. Tai'an Zongxiang Brewery Equipment Factory introduced the following beer brewing process to you:
  1. 粉碎。破碎雖然是一個(gè)短暫的機械過(guò)程,但破碎程度對麥汁糖化的生化變化、麥汁的成分、麥汁的濾過(guò)率和原料的利用率都非常重要。
  1. Crushing. Although crushing is a short mechanical process, the degree of crushing is very important to the biochemical changes of wort saccharification, the composition of wort, the filtration rate of wort and the utilization rate of raw materials.
  2. 糖化和凝膠化。大米破壞后,添加到飼料銅,在一定溫度、淀粉溶于水,形成一個(gè)平滑粘貼方案,液化完全土豆泥,參加與麥芽糖化麥芽漿桶,用麥芽的酶,麥芽和大米淀粉的水解成麥芽糖,如糖很容易分解為酵母發(fā)酵使用氨基酸蛋白質(zhì)和其他營(yíng)養物質(zhì)。
  2. saccharification and gelation. When rice is destroyed, it is added to feed copper, and starch dissolves in water at a certain temperature to form a smooth paste solution, liquefying complete mashed potatoes, participating in malt saccharification barrel, hydrolyzing maltose with malt enzymes, malt and rice starch to maltose, such as sugar can easily be decomposed into yeast fermentation using amino acid protein and other nutrients.
  3. Filter. After saccharification, the saccharified wort was pumped into the filter, and the maltose was separated from the wort to obtain clarified maltose.
  4. 沸騰和冷卻。麥汁轉移到麥汁煮沸鍋中,啤酒花加熱煮沸1小時(shí)以上。麥汁穩定性好,酒花的香氣、苦味和多種活性成分都溶解在麥汁中。然后進(jìn)入冷卻器冷卻。
  4. Boiling and cooling. The wort is transferred to the wort boiling pot and hops are heated and boiled for more than 1 hour. The wort is stable, and the aroma, bitterness and many active ingredients of hops are dissolved in the wort. Then enter the cooler to cool down.
  5. 發(fā)酵。冷卻后,麥芽汁加入啤酒酵母和無(wú)菌空氣中,運輸到發(fā)酵罐開(kāi)始發(fā)酵。
  5. Fermentation. After cooling, malt juice is added to beer yeast and sterile air and transported to fermentation tank to start fermentation.
  6. 過(guò)濾器。發(fā)酵液調味后,通過(guò)離心和多次過(guò)濾去除酵母和大分子蛋白,得到澄清澄清的酒精。經(jīng)巴氏后,啤酒可制成罐頭。
  6. Filter. After flavoring, yeast and macromolecule proteins were removed by centrifugation and multiple filtration, and clarified alcohol was obtained. After pasteurization, beer can be canned.
  How to ensure the quality and output of beer brewing?
  1. It is used for the brewing of semi-solid and liquid clinkers to ensure the quality and yield of wine. Because the brewing of clinkers is relatively simple and successful, clinkers are used for the first time.
  2. Because of the strong brewing technology of raw wine, when using liquid brewing method of raw wine, we must master the brewing technology of raw wine to ensure the quality of wine output.
  3. In solid-state clinker brewing, the quality of wine can be greatly improved. The speed of wine must be adjusted properly to improve the original solid-state technology by 50%, or only by 10-20%. Because of the short twist of raw materials in the process and the saving of labor and materials, it will be the development trend of wine in the future.
  Above is the relevant content of stainless steel inner tank solid wood barrel manufacturers for you, hope to help you, our website is http://m.sdlngcjx.com, want to know the price of Shandong brewing equipment, welcome to inquire.
