

發(fā)布于:2024-05-23 11:48:48  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com


A wooden wine barrel can be said to be a container for storing wine. Using it to store products can not only improve the taste and texture of wine, but also give it a unique aroma. However, you know that wine also needs to pay attention to some things when storing. After investigation, it was found that there are six points to pay attention to when storing wine. Let's take a detailed look below.


1. Flat placement

  葡萄酒以平放擺置較理想,這樣才能讓軟木塞和葡萄酒接觸到,以保持它的濕潤度,否則若將酒直放,時(shí)間太久的話(huà),會(huì )使軟木塞變得干燥易碎,而無(wú)法完全緊閉瓶口,造成葡萄酒的氧化。

It is ideal to place wine flat so that the cork and wine come into contact and maintain their moisture. Otherwise, if the wine is placed straight for too long, it will make the cork dry and fragile, making it difficult to fully close the bottle and causing oxidation of the wine.


2. Constant temperature

  葡萄酒貯藏環(huán)境的溫度,維持在12-15℃的恒溫狀態(tài)比較好,否則若溫度變化太大,不僅會(huì )破壞了葡萄酒的酒體,在冷縮熱脹的作用下,還會(huì )影響到軟木塞而造成滲酒的現象。所以,若貯酒環(huán)境能夠維持在5-20度的某一溫度下,保持±2度的變化內,也都是比較理想的。

It is better to maintain a constant temperature of 12-15 ℃ in the wine storage environment. Otherwise, if the temperature changes too much, it will not only damage the wine body, but also affect the cork and cause wine seepage under the action of cold shrinkage and heat expansion. So, if the wine storage environment can be maintained at a certain temperature of 5-20 degrees and within a range of ± 2 degrees, it is also relatively ideal.


3. Constant humidity


If the wine storage environment is too humid, it is easy to cause the cork and wine label to rot. If it is too dry, it is easy to make the cork lose its elasticity and cannot tightly seal the bottle mouth. Therefore, a humidity of around 70 is a good wine storage environment.


4. Ventilation


  葡萄酒像海綿一樣,會(huì )將周?chē)奈兜牢狡坷锶ィ裕谫A酒環(huán)境中,能保持通風(fēng)狀態(tài),而且也不要在同一個(gè)環(huán)境中,還擺放味道太重的東西,以免破壞了酒的味道。

Wine is like a sponge, absorbing the surrounding flavors into the bottle. Therefore, in a wine storage environment, it is important to maintain ventilation and avoid placing items with strong flavors in the same environment to avoid damaging the taste of the wine.


5. Avoid light


The environment for storing wine should not have any light, otherwise it is easy for the wine to spoil, especially the fluorescent lamp can cause the wine to undergo a reduction change and emit a strong and unpleasant taste.


6. Shock absorption

  震動(dòng)對于葡萄酒的影響是難以捉摸的,細微的震動(dòng)可忽略不計,劇烈的震動(dòng)則會(huì )讓葡萄酒陷入休克狀態(tài),葡萄酒內部的分子結構遭到破壞,加速酒的成熟易老化,使酒的口感呆板,雜亂無(wú)章。有過(guò)較強震蕩的葡萄酒經(jīng)過(guò)一段時(shí)間的靜置,一般均可恢復之前的口感。

The impact of vibration on wine is elusive, with subtle vibrations negligible. Intense vibrations can cause wine to enter a state of shock, damaging the molecular structure inside the wine and accelerating its maturation and aging, resulting in a dull and disorganized taste. Wines that have experienced strong vibrations can generally regain their previous taste after being left to stand for a period of time.

以上是關(guān)于 不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶 的介紹,若想了解相關(guān)知識可請點(diǎn)擊:http://m.sdlngcjx.com 我們將會(huì )全心全意為您提供滿(mǎn)分服務(wù),歡迎您的來(lái)電!

The above is an introduction to stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrels. If you want to learn more about related knowledge, please click: http://m.sdlngcjx.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!
