

發(fā)布于:2019-07-15 16:57:31  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  新零售被評為世界上有前途的行業(yè)之一,許多企業(yè)家都想在這個(gè)領(lǐng)域創(chuàng )造自己的空間。
  New retail is rated as one of the most promising industries in the world, and many entrepreneurs want to create their own space in this field.
  In recent years, all walks of life are exploring ways and means to enter the new retail field. In practice, people gradually find that if we want to fully open up the new retail market, we must realize the consumption situation of new retail.
  Consumer scenarios are consumer-centered and meet the individual needs of consumers in a certain life scenario.
  Product scenarios, focusing more on functional experience
  Buffet Drinking Machine - Provides Buffet Drinking Purchase Scene. Because of the fast pace of life, consumers tend to go shopping by themselves, which is not only fast and convenient, but also can relieve the pressure under the rhythm of life.
  Self-service vending machine - based on the needs of consumers, focusing on the functionality of products, taking into account the experience of consumers.
  1. 掃描代碼購買(mǎi)葡萄酒
  1. Scan code to buy wine
  Self-service vending machine - using big data, mobile payment technology, by scanning the code of consumers, to meet consumers'desire to buy wine, to provide convenience for consumers.
  2. 按需購買(mǎi)葡萄酒,少1或2杯
  2. Purchase wine on demand, at least 1 or 2 cups
  Consumers can buy wine according to their own needs, and consumers who have a wide range of desires can really realize how many people buy how much wine.
  Channel scenarios, with more emphasis on security and convenience
  In the new retail era, consumers want businesses to provide faster and safer shopping channels.
  F2C (winery-consumer) business sales model is adopted to integrate offline entity Hotel and restaurant resources.
  自助售酒機——創(chuàng )陳酒不僅能為消費者提供物美價(jià)廉的葡萄酒,更能滿(mǎn)足消費者便捷的購物愿望!
  Self-service vending machine - Chuangchen Wine can not only provide consumers with good quality and low price wine, but also meet consumers'convenience shopping desire! ___________
  Content scenes have a more prominent impact on the emotional level.
  在新的零售時(shí)代,隨著(zhù)社會(huì )化、移動(dòng)化和個(gè)性化的興起,消費者越來(lái)越注重產(chǎn)品內容的輸出,即產(chǎn)品的附加值。自助售酒機的內容場(chǎng)景化——更注重消費者的情感層面。
  In the new retail era, with the rise of socialization, mobility and personalization, consumers pay more and more attention to the output of product content, that is, the added value of products. The content of the self-service vending machine is scene-oriented, paying more attention to the emotional level of consumers.
  1. 社會(huì )化產(chǎn)品,深入凝聚消費者。
  1. Social products, in-depth cohesion of consumers.
  隨著(zhù)微信朋友圈等社交軟件的興起,人們更愿意在社交軟件中分享自己的生活。自助售酒機的消費者——創(chuàng )黃酒的年齡更小,消費者更愿意分享使用創(chuàng )黃酒的過(guò)程和感受,這無(wú)疑增加了與消費者在娛樂(lè )方面的親密度。
  With the rise of social software such as Wechat Friends Circle, people are more willing to share their lives in social software. Consumers of self-service vending machines, Chuanghuang Wine, are younger and more willing to share the process and feelings of using Chuanghuang Wine, which undoubtedly increases the intimacy with consumers in entertainment.
  2. 融合民族文化,增加消費者對場(chǎng)景的情感需求。
  2. Integrate national culture to increase consumers'emotional needs for scenes.
  The use of classical faucets and ceramic ontology and the integration of Chinese national culture can arouse consumers'national feelings and successfully increase consumers' demand for emotional scenes.
  3. The self-service vending machine is the first project to realize a new scenario of wine retailing, which can meet the needs of consumers more quickly and increase the stickiness between products and consumers. There is no doubt that the self-service vending machine will win a new round of white wine retail war.
