

發(fā)布于:2019-07-29 14:07:16  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  Wine-making culture has a history of thousands of years in China. Starting with wine-making, it uses cereals as raw materials. From the original sorghum wine to rice, glutinous rice and brown rice, there are now very mature brewing technology. So stainless steel tank solid wood barrel should also be very extensive.
  這里是大米的釀造方法,在選擇普通大米時(shí),一定要注意不是經(jīng)過(guò)“增白”的大米,這種大米一般都是陳年大米,為了好賣(mài)好燒,不要使用,否則會(huì )產(chǎn)生異味。糯米富含淀粉,比大米能釀出更多的酒,但它更貴。糙米和糯米一樣,口感飽滿(mǎn),入口香甜。
  Here is the brewing method of rice. When choosing ordinary rice, we must pay attention to the fact that it is not "whitened" rice. This kind of rice is generally aged rice. In order to sell well and burn well, do not use it, otherwise it will produce peculiar smell. Glutinous rice is rich in starch and produces more wine than rice, but it is more expensive. Brown rice has the same price as glutinous rice. It tastes full and tastes sweet.
  Specific methods:
  將選擇的大米按溫度浸泡6小時(shí)1天,然后蒸熟(米飯和糙米可以先煮10分鐘,然后取出蒸半小時(shí)。糯米直接煮熟,然后蒸半個(gè)小時(shí)。蒸汽冷卻后在干凈衛生的地面或容器中冷卻(以快速冷卻和混合音樂(lè )為宜),為了加速冷卻,可以使用電風(fēng)扇。要冷卻到25-30度,根據使用的不同,按比例加入適量的酒曲拌勻(酒曲的使用是根據生米的重量比例),是要保證拌勻。
  Soak the selected rice at a temperature of 6 hours to 1 day, then steamed (rice and brown rice can be boiled for 10 minutes, then take out and steamed for half an hour). The glutinous rice is cooked directly and steamed for half an hour. After steam cooling, it can be cooled in clean and sanitary ground or containers (suitable for fast cooling and mixed music). In order to accelerate cooling, electric fans can be used. To cool to 25-30 degrees, according to the use of different proportions, add appropriate amount of starter mixing (starter use is based on the weight of raw rice proportion), the key is to ensure that mixing well.
  Once mixed, glazed ceramics (stainless steel, glass or other containers) can be used to ferment in ceramic pots to produce more ethyl acetate in fermented cereals, and the more ethyl acetate, the more fragrant the wine is! Cover a clean cloth and saccharify it at the appropriate temperature. This process is to combine grain with oxygen in the air to form starch and sugar. The saccharification time is 12-48 hours, depending on the temperature. After saccharification, water can be added to start fermentation. Hygiene is the most important thing when using large buckets of water.
  出酒的溫度有多高?葡萄酒的溫度,在25 ~ 30度是適宜的,溫度過(guò)低不利于揮發(fā)性物質(zhì)的沸點(diǎn)過(guò)低,溫度過(guò)高,會(huì )使酒精過(guò)度流失。
  How high is the temperature of wine? Wine temperature, 25 - 30 degrees is the most appropriate, too low temperature is not conducive to low boiling point of volatile substances, too high temperature, will cause excessive loss of alcohol.
  The above is the relevant content of stainless steel inner tank solid wood barrel manufacturers for you. For more information, please visit the website: http://m.sdlngcjx.com.
