

發(fā)布于:2019-08-23 17:10:54  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  In the brewing process of white wine, we know that it needs a lot of grains to produce. Usually, grains are converted into solid and liquid, liquid is wine, solid is wine. After we made liquor a long time ago, we didn't know how to deal with it, so we threw it away, which caused a lot of waste of resources. Later, it was learned that grains of distiller's grains could be used to raise pigs, cattle, and other animals, and it was very beneficial to the growth of animals, and to treat farmers at a low price. Many years of accumulation also saved a lot of costs. It can be seen that the dregs are dross, the dross is the essence, and it is a pity to throw it away.
  Vending machine
  The distiller's grains are the residues left in the brewing process. "Qi Ming Yao Shu" and "Zuo Xi Law", written by Jia Sixie of the Northern Wei Dynasty, "Drinking: Spring Drinking, also used for yaks." Song Meng's old edition of Tokyo Dream Flower Lu December: "Daub the kitchen door with wine dregs, called"drunken teacher life". 3. Ming and Song Yingxing Tiangong Kaiwu Qusan: "All songs are blind, just like one Qi vein, three Qi veins. Wheat and rice are raw materials, but they must be used as intermediaries in the production of koji and wine distillates.
  蒸餾殘渣不僅包含一定比例的谷物來(lái)節省飼料濃縮牛,它還含有豐富的粗蛋白,比玉米高2 - 3倍左右的內容,而且還含有多種微量元素,維生素、酵母、賴(lài)氨酸、蛋氨酸和色氨酸含量也非常高,這不是可以從作物秸稈。
  Distillation residue not only contains a certain proportion of grains to save feed concentrate cattle, but also contains rich crude protein, about 2 - 3 times higher than corn. It also contains a variety of trace elements, vitamins, yeast, lysine, methionine and tryptophan are also very high. This is not from crop straw.
  Vending machine
  The distiller's grain is formed after fermentation and high temperature cooking, so its crude fiber content is low. So it is destined that the distiller's grain as cattle feed has good palatability, easy digestion characteristics, and can effectively prevent the occurrence of rumen edema of cattle.
  釀酒師的谷物含有一定量的酒精,在喂食后,奶牛可以躺下反芻。經(jīng)過(guò)20到30天左右,你會(huì )發(fā)現牛的皮毛更加光亮光滑,食物也不再挑剔。飼糧肉牛,肉質(zhì)優(yōu)良,纖維細,色澤鮮艷,韌性好,凈肉率提高約4 ~ 7個(gè)分析。每頭奶牛可以增加收入660-960元。
  The winemaker's cereals contain a certain amount of alcohol. After feeding, cows can lie down and ruminate. After 20 to 30 days or so, you will find that the fur of cattle is brighter and smoother, and the food is no longer picky. Dietary beef cattle have excellent meat quality, fine fiber, bright color, good toughness, net meat percentage increased by about 4 to 7 analysis. Each cow can increase its income by 660-960 yuan.
  Breweries used to pile up breweries as waste. The beef cattle are fed with distiller's grains mixed with straw feed, which is easy to digest in the rumen of beef cattle, dizziness, strong and fast growth, and increase the economic benefits of cattle.
  These are the related contents organized by vending machine manufacturers. For more information, please visit the website: http://m.sdlngcjx.com.
