

發(fā)布于:2019-10-16 15:42:13  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  在啤酒生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中,工藝衛生是一個(gè)非常關(guān)鍵的環(huán)節。啤酒遭到污染后,會(huì )招致啤酒的口感不佳,嚴重時(shí)還會(huì )使啤酒變酸蛻變,形成經(jīng)濟上的損失。為了保證良好的生產(chǎn)環(huán)境,釀酒設備的清洗和是必不可少。CIP清洗系統是為常用的清洗和的設備,其操作簡(jiǎn)單、清洗和徹底。
  In the process of beer production, technological hygiene is a very key link. After the beer is polluted, it will lead to the bad taste of the beer, and when it is serious, it will make the beer sour and degenerate, forming economic losses. In order to ensure a good production environment, it is necessary to clean and sterilize the brewing equipment. CIP cleaning system is the most commonly used equipment for cleaning and sterilization, which is simple in operation, thorough in cleaning and sterilization.
  The purpose and function of cleaning is to eliminate the yeast, protein coagulate, hops resin, oxalate, tartrate, carbonate and other organic and inorganic substances on the tank wall and pipeline, so as to avoid non biological pollution in beer production; the purpose and function of sterilization is to use appropriate bactericide to kill bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms, and avoid biological pollution in beer production.
  Sanitation of saccharification equipment: at room temperature, first rinse with clear water for 10min; then prepare 1% - 2% sodium hydroxide solution, heat to 80-85 ℃ for CIP circulation for 30min; then use 90-95 ℃ hot water for CIP circulation for 30-40min.
  Sanitation of fermentation equipment: the sanitation of fermentation tank has a great influence on the quality of beer, and the most fundamental request of fermentation tank is to clean and asepsis.
  Under normal temperature, wash directly with clear water; then prepare 2% - 4% alkali solution, heat to 80-85 ℃ for CIP circulation for 30min; then wash with clear water for 5-10min, then prepare 1% - 2% nitric acid or sulfuric acid solution for CIP circulation for 30min under normal temperature; then wash with clear water for 5-10min, configure 0.35% - 0.5% bactericide at normal temperature for CIP circulation for 30min, and finally use sterile water for CIP circulation. Rinse to remove the remaining fungicide.
  麥汁冷卻器的衛生:普通啤酒廠(chǎng)對麥汁冷卻器都進(jìn)行堿洗,其清洗的頻率需求布置妥當,由于麥汁冷卻時(shí)會(huì )凝固析出相當多的蛋白質(zhì)、酒花樹(shù)酯等,積聚在冷卻板之間防礙熱交流效果、降低冷卻流量,隨之而來(lái)啤酒的質(zhì)量也遭到影響,諸如色度加深、苦澀味加重等。堿洗過(guò)后,用熱清水洗掉剩余的堿液。
  Health of wort Cooler: ordinary breweries carry out alkali washing for wort coolers, and the frequency of cleaning is properly arranged. As wort will coagulate and precipitate quite a lot of protein, hops ester, etc. when it is cooled, it will accumulate between cooling plates to prevent the effect of heat exchange and reduce the cooling flow, and then the quality of beer will be affected, such as the deepening of color, the aggravation of bitter taste, etc. 。 After alkali washing, use hot water to wash off the remaining alkali liquor.
  Configuration of fermentation tank in beer equipment1.啤酒設備發(fā)酵罐的的人孔分為兩種 側人孔和上人孔總之都是給他清潔!
  1. The manholes of fermentation tank of beer equipment are divided into two kinds: side manholes and upper manholes. In short, they are for him to clean!
  2. Drain outlet, discharge beer or yeast!!
  3. CIP cleaning, let alone cleaning the inside of fermentation tank!
  4. Check whether the beer has reached the production process and technical requirements by sampling valve!
  以上是不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶廠(chǎng)家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內容,本文來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.comThe above is the relevant content introduced by the stainless steel inner solid wood barrel manufacturer. The source of this article is: http://m.sdlngcjx.com
