

發(fā)布于:2019-10-28 15:53:57  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  Liquor is a kind of fermented liquid. In the process of brewing, people produce a substance - enzyme. Do you understand the role of this ingredient in liquor brewing? Let's study with Xiaobian.
  There are two steps to transform grain into wine: saccharification and fermentation.
  The molds in the starter play the role of saccharification, transforming starch into sugar.
  Yeast in kojic enzyme plays the role of fermentation and can convert sugar into alcohol.
  At the same time, the two steps of liquor making process stop.
  糖化是釀酒過(guò)程中重要的步驟,在這個(gè)過(guò)程中會(huì )產(chǎn)生糖化酶,我國之前釀造的白酒大多是依托這種方法停止的。
  Saccharification is an important step in the brewing process, in which saccharifying enzyme will be produced. Most of the liquor brewed before in our country is stopped by this method.
  What is the relationship between saccharifying enzyme and koji?
  We know that when brewing liquor, we must take part in distiller's yeast. First of all, we should understand the general process of brewing. Saccharifying enzyme and distiller's yeast belong to different stages. Distiller's yeast is made by moistening grain to promote its germination or mildew. There are a large number of microorganisms growing on the distiller's yeast, and enzymes such as saccharifying enzyme can be secreted by microorganisms. Saccharifying enzyme has the function of biocatalysis, which can accelerate the grain production. The starch and protein in the product are transformed into sugar and amino acid, that is to say, saccharification, and then the sugar is synthesized into ethanol, i.e. alcohol, under the action of the enzyme of yeast, which completes the brewing process.
  What role does saccharifying enzyme play in wine making?
  From the previous brewing process, we understand that the microorganisms in the koji secrete glucoamylase, which is mainly obtained from filamentous fungi and yeast such as Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus in industrial consumption. Secondly, we understand the object of action of glucoamylase - starch, which is composed of amylose and amylopectin. Glucoamylase has the concentration of enzyme preparation. The main product after acting on amylose is almost all glucose, so it is also known as glucoamylase, α - 1,4-glucohydrolase.
  白酒釀造范疇:目前葡萄酒和白酒的主要區域消費比例為4:6,白酒釀造占有很大的比例。在傳統的釀造白酒過(guò)程中,從幽香型到濃香型,再到醬香型白酒,隨著(zhù)制曲溫度的進(jìn)步,出酒率只要 40%到 20%左右,呈明顯的降落趨向,主要緣由是由于淀粉質(zhì)原料的糖化不完整所致,而糖化不好就成了影響出酒率的首要問(wèn)題。而在不減或減少小曲用量的狀況下,適量添加糖化酶,使淀粉的糖化停止得愈加徹底,能夠進(jìn)步出酒率 5%,酒質(zhì)風(fēng)味不變 經(jīng)測算,經(jīng)過(guò)添加糖化酶消費小曲酒,經(jīng)濟效益要比傳統工藝的經(jīng)濟效益約高出1倍。
  Liquor brewing category: at present, the main regional consumption proportion of wine and liquor is 4:6, and liquor brewing accounts for a large proportion. In the process of traditional liquor making, with the progress of koji making temperature, the liquor yield is only about 40% to 20%, which shows an obvious falling trend. The main reason is due to the incomplete saccharification of starch raw materials, and the poor saccharification has become the primary problem affecting the liquor yield. Under the condition of not reducing or reducing the amount of koji, adding appropriate amount of saccharifying enzyme can stop the saccharification of starch more thoroughly and improve the liquor yield by 5%. The liquor quality and flavor remain unchanged after calculation. After adding saccharifying enzyme to consume koji liquor, the economic benefit is about 1 times higher than that of traditional technology.
  黃酒釀造范疇:黃酒屬于低度釀造酒,普通酒精含量為20%左右,含有豐厚的營(yíng)養及氨基酸,被稱(chēng)為液體蛋糕。傳統的黃酒釀造主要運用活性干酵母作為糖化發(fā)酵劑,存在產(chǎn)酒率低的普遍問(wèn)題,在黃酒消費中適量參加糖化酶,可加速發(fā)酵,使消費周期大大縮短,并使出酒率有很大進(jìn)步,經(jīng)過(guò)實(shí)驗,糖化酶的加酶量為0.02%,更適溫度為32 ,更適 pH 值為4.6,主發(fā)酵期縮短2~3天,后發(fā)酵期縮短10~60天,出酒率高達 92.07%,是傳統辦法的3倍。
  Yellow rice wine brewing category: yellow rice wine belongs to low-grade brewing wine, with general alcohol content of about 20%, rich nutrition and amino acids, known as liquid cake. The traditional rice wine brewing mainly uses active dry yeast as saccharifying fermentation agent, which has the common problem of low alcohol production rate. The moderate participation of saccharifying enzyme in the consumption of rice wine can accelerate the fermentation, greatly shorten the consumption cycle, and greatly improve the alcohol production rate. After experiments, the amount of saccharifying enzyme is 0.02%, the optimum temperature is 32, the optimum pH value is 4.6, and the main fermentation period is shortened by 2-3 days. The post fermentation period was shortened by 10-60 days, and the liquor yield was 92.07%, which was three times of the traditional method.
  啤酒釀造范疇:在消費發(fā)酵度高的淡爽型干啤酒,主要有幾種辦法:1、添加發(fā)酵性糖法(加糖法);2、添加酶制劑法(加酶法);3、添加特種酵母法。添加糖化酶是更簡(jiǎn)單有效的辦法,可以到達有效地進(jìn)步啤酒發(fā)酵度的目的,消費出的干啤酒具有風(fēng)味共同 口味干爽純粹等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。
  Beer brewing category: in the consumption of light dry beer with high fermentation degree, there are several methods: 1. Adding fermentative sugar method (adding sugar method); 2. Adding enzyme preparation method (adding enzyme method); 3. Adding special yeast method. Adding saccharifying enzyme is the most simple and effective way to effectively improve the fermentation degree of beer. The consumed dry beer has the advantages of common flavor, dry and pure taste.
  Can enzyme preparations such as saccharifying enzyme replace Jiuqu?
  答案能否定的!酶制劑的添加,能有效的處理傳統酒曲中酶制劑,酶活較低的缺陷,由于酒曲其實(shí)質(zhì)之一就是粗酶制劑,在酒的消費過(guò)程中,恰當參加一局部酶制劑以替代局部傳統酒曲,可降低酒的消費本錢(qián)。但所產(chǎn)生的問(wèn)題是酒的香味遭到一定的影響,如添加糖化酶可進(jìn)步出酒率,同時(shí)也會(huì )影響酒的口感,其主要緣由是淀粉到糖的速度,在很短的時(shí)間就產(chǎn)生了酶,使糖沒(méi)有充沛發(fā)酵,出來(lái)的酒甜中帶苦,不好喝,因而在一些名酒廠(chǎng),傳統的酒曲仍是必不可少的。
  Can the answer be determined? The addition of enzyme preparation can effectively deal with the defect of low enzyme activity in traditional distiller's yeast. As one of the essence of distiller's yeast is crude enzyme preparation, properly taking part in a local enzyme preparation to replace the local traditional distiller's yeast in the process of alcohol consumption can reduce the cost of alcohol consumption. However, the problem is that the flavor of the wine is affected to some extent. For example, adding saccharifying enzyme can improve the yield of the wine, but also affect the taste of the wine. The main reason is the speed of starch to sugar. In a very short time, the enzyme is produced, so that the sugar is not fully fermented, and the wine is bitter in the sweet and not good to drink. Therefore, in some famous distilleries, the traditional koji is still essential.
  以上是全自動(dòng)涼茬機廠(chǎng)家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內容,想要了解更多內容,歡迎訪(fǎng)問(wèn)網(wǎng)站:http://m.sdlngcjx.comThe above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of full-automatic stubble cooler. To learn more, please visit the website: http://m.sdlngcjx.com
