

發(fā)布于:2024-02-13 21:07:17  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com


Baijiu brewing depends on technology for 7 points and equipment for 3 points. Distillation equipment is an indispensable tool for making Baijiu. No matter what method of fermentation is adopted, Baijiu is obtained through distillation. Good equipment has high liquor yield and good liquor quality.

古代甚現在一些小作坊還在用木甑制作的天鍋來(lái)蒸餾白酒。木甑制作的設備各部分是拼接在一起的,難免會(huì )有縫隙,連接的地方密封性不好,容易漏氣,壓力溫度就要通過(guò)一直不斷的保持大火來(lái)維持,耗費燃料不說(shuō),出酒率也不高。木甑的量也比較小,要多次打開(kāi)蓋子進(jìn)出物料酒的香氣也會(huì )蒸發(fā)掉不能很好的保留。


In ancient times and even now, some small workshops still use Tianguo made of wooden steamers to distill Baijiu. The various parts of the equipment used for making wooden steamers are spliced together, inevitably with gaps and poor sealing at the connection points, making it easy for air leakage. The pressure and temperature need to be maintained by continuously maintaining high heat, which consumes fuel and has a low alcohol production rate. The quantity of wooden steamer is also relatively small, and if the lid is opened multiple times to enter and exit the material, the aroma of the wine will evaporate and cannot be well preserved.

傳統的設備是用柴火直接蒸煮糧食,糧食沉在底部不注意攪拌就會(huì )糊鍋,到時(shí)候這些糊味會(huì )到酒里影響酒質(zhì)。循環(huán)冷卻的裝置也不好,不能將蒸餾出的酒液即使冷卻,也會(huì )降低出酒率。

Traditional equipment uses firewood to directly steam and cook grain. If the grain sinks to the bottom and is not stirred properly, it will become burnt in the pot, and the burnt taste will affect the quality of the wine. The circulating cooling device is also not good, and even if the distilled liquor is cooled, it will reduce the alcohol yield.

由于時(shí)代的進(jìn)步,科技的發(fā)展,人們通過(guò)不斷的實(shí)踐設計出了越來(lái)越合理的設備了。經(jīng)過(guò)改進(jìn)的設備出酒快、出酒率高、酒的 品質(zhì)也提高了。現在的釀酒設備通過(guò)焊接等使個(gè)部件能很好的連接在一起,密封性變好了,冷卻設備好酒蒸汽出來(lái)后迅速降溫損失就少,收集道德酒液就多。酒在加熱到78度的時(shí)候就開(kāi)始沸騰了,水的沸點(diǎn)比酒的高,隨著(zhù)溫度的不斷增加后面水開(kāi)始產(chǎn)生蒸汽酒液就會(huì )被稀釋?zhuān)鋮s系統好了,酒液出來(lái)后及時(shí)冷凝,可以減少水分的混雜。

Due to the progress of the times and the development of technology, people have designed increasingly reasonable equipment through continuous practice. The improved equipment has fast wine production, high wine production rate, and improved wine quality. Nowadays, brewing equipment can connect various components together through welding and other means, resulting in better sealing. The cooling equipment quickly cools down and reduces losses after the steam of good wine comes out, and collects more ethical wine. When the wine is heated to 78 degrees, it begins to boil. The boiling point of water is higher than that of wine. As the temperature continues to increase, the water begins to produce steam and the wine will be diluted. With a good cooling system, the wine will condense in time after it comes out, which can reduce the mixing of water.


The distillation equipment has been improved to accommodate more materials. Increasing the amount of material added at once can save time, labor, and improve sealing. The steam heat can be fully utilized without gas leakage, saving fuel. By using steam heating to separate water, the material does not come into contact with the bottom of the pot, which can avoid burning the pot. It is also possible to install a thermometer on the equipment to better control the time for receiving wine based on temperature comparison with boiling point for different substances.
