

發(fā)布于:2019-11-15 08:59:51  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  Technology is developing, technology is improving, and demand is changing. Qufu rentai container packaging Co., Ltd. will show you the development and Prospect of the vending machine!
  2017 is the first year of the emergence of vending machines.
  As one of the new business forms, the vending machine business has achieved rapid growth against the trend for six consecutive years under the overall poor performance of the traditional wholesale industry.
  According to the data presented in the market prospect forecast and investment strategic planning analysis report of China's self-service machine industry in 2018-2023 issued by the prospective industry research institute.
  Since 2011, China's automatic vending machine industry has been developing rapidly. By the end of 2016, the stock of automatic vending machines in China was about 190000, and the market scope of the industry has grown by more than 14 times compared with 2011. But compared with other countries, our penetration rate is far from enough!
  Compared with foreign countries, domestic market is not saturated
  Why is the automatic wine vending machine called the hundred billion game in the small machine?
  TechNavio 數據指出,美國自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機和便利店的比例為 30:1,2014~2018 年美國自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機預期復合增長(cháng)率高于54.3%,美國 2021 年自動(dòng)販賣(mài)機市場(chǎng)范圍將達133.4億美圓。
  Technavio data points out that the proportion of vending machines and convenience stores in the United States is 30:12014-2018, the expected compound growth rate of vending machines in the United States is higher than 54.3%, and the market scope of vending machines in the United States will reach US $13.34 billion in 2021.
  依據連鎖運營(yíng)協(xié)會(huì )的材料顯現,國內便利店數量約為 9 萬(wàn)。對標美國的比例指數,國內自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機數量應為 270 萬(wàn)臺。
  According to the materials of China chain operation association, the number of convenience stores in China is about 90000. Compared with the proportion index of the United States, the number of domestic vending machines should be 2.7 million.
  但是目前,國內自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機僅為不到 20 萬(wàn)臺(對標日本 75:1,則還要高2.3倍)。雖然 2011~2015年,國內自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機 CAGR 高于100%,但自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機市場(chǎng)遠未到達飽和。
  But at present, the number of domestic vending machines is less than 200000 (compared with 75:1 in Japan, which is 2.3 times higher). Although the CAGR of domestic vending machine is higher than 100% from 2011 to 2015, the market of vending machine is far from saturation.
  據凱度預測,按每臺自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機月?tīng)I收 6000 元來(lái)算, 2020 年自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機年營(yíng)收可達千億錢(qián)。
  According to the forecast of Kaidu, based on the monthly revenue of 6000 yuan per vending machine, the annual revenue of China's vending machines in 2020 will reach 100 billion yuan.
  Development opportunities and background
  Why is the automatic wine vending machine called the hundred billion game in the small machine?
  In August 2017, the first industry standard of domestic vending machine, China vending machine operation and shutdown Guidance standard (Trial), was launched.
  The new specification contains 15 items, and makes clear requests for the operation and shutdown of automatic vending machines from operation qualification (business access), equipment landing request, operation management, food safety control and other aspects.
  At present, affected by the tide of big data economy and intelligence, automatic vending machines used to be at the forefront of the wholesale industry. High-speed development requires strong order support, and the newly issued industry standards deal with relevant issues at a certain level.
  At the same time, the development of the period, the improvement of mobile payment, and the promotion of the supply side all accelerate the development of the vending machine.
  The above is an introduction to the development of the vending machine by Qufu rentai container packaging Co., Ltd. I hope it can help you. To understand more, please click http://m.sdlngcjx.com
