

發(fā)布于:2020-03-05 13:27:36  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

由于原酒除了白葡萄酒外不添加任何物質(zhì),所以其酒分子仍然保持良好的穩定性。在陳化過(guò)程中,容器內的液體在適當的溫度下通過(guò)容器呼吸具有適當干濕度的空氣。隨著(zhù)時(shí)間的推移,酒會(huì )越來(lái)越軟,酒的香氣也會(huì )越來(lái)越濃。長(cháng)期的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)驗表明,容器材料與酒的質(zhì)量有著(zhù)密切的關(guān)系。白酒企業(yè)的貯藏容器主要有以下幾種:
  As the original wine does not add any substances except white wine, its alcohol molecules still maintain good stability. In the aging process, the liquid in the container breathes the air with proper dry humidity through the container at proper temperature. As time goes on, the wine will become softer and more fragrant. The long-term production experience shows that the container material is closely related to the quality of wine. The main storage containers of Chinese liquor enterprises are as follows:
  Pottery jar
  名酒通常是用傳統的陶壇作為儲藏容器。但不同產(chǎn)地的陶壇由于其材料和工藝不同,其貯藏酒熟化效果有很大差異。現有資料顯示,陶瓷祭壇結構粗糙,吸水性大,一般壁厚約2cm。此外,陶瓷祭壇中還含有多種金屬氧化物。金屬離子在白酒貯存過(guò)程中會(huì )溶解,加速酒的老化。新蒸餾出的酒味辛辣、濃烈、甘甜而有麩皮的不良味道,陳年煮熟后可去添加香味,減少新酒的刺激,干辣味,使酒味和諧醇厚。陶土容器的密封通常用塑料布捆扎,然后用面板、木板或沙袋壓緊。
  Chinese famous wine is usually stored in traditional pottery jar. However, due to different materials and techniques, the maturation effect of taotan liquor from different producing areas is quite different. The existing data show that the ceramic altar has a rough structure, a large water absorption capacity and a general wall thickness of about 2cm. In addition, there are many kinds of metal oxides in the ceramic altar. Metal ions will dissolve in liquor storage process, accelerating liquor aging. The newly distilled liquor is spicy, strong, sweet and has the bad taste of bran. When it is cooked in old age, it can add fragrance, reduce the stimulation of the new liquor, dry and spicy, and make the liquor harmonious and mellow. The seal of earthenware containers is usually tied with plastic cloth, and then compressed with panels, boards or sandbags.
  There are also leakage and volatilization during storage. Generally, the air leakage rate of the old pottery altar is 3% - 5%, and that of the new one is about 1%. Before using the new pots, the winery filled the pots with water to check whether there was any leakage caused by hidden lines or other reasons, and continued to check during the use process, but the leakage of the old pots was still inevitable. This is determined by the material of ceramic altar and its own production process.
  Blood vessel
  The basket is woven with thorns or bamboo strips. The wooden box and cement pool are pasted with pig blood as one of the traditional wine containers. This so-called blood is a kind of plastic protein colloid salt made of pig blood and lime, and alcohol forms a semi permeable membrane. Its characteristic is that water can penetrate, but alcohol can't. It has good leak proof effect for wine with alcohol content over 30%, which is called "wine sea".
  Metal container
  鋁罐是更早的葡萄酒容器之一。在使用過(guò)程中,隨著(zhù)儲藏時(shí)間的延長(cháng),葡萄酒中的有機酸對鋁有腐蝕作用并產(chǎn)生渾濁沉淀,大型葡萄酒企業(yè)早已停止使用,現在改用不銹鋼罐。不銹鋼酒桶結構穩定,其特點(diǎn)是原酒分子結構緊密,氧化速度相對較慢,不會(huì )影響貯存酒的質(zhì)量。
  Aluminum can is one of the earliest wine containers. In the use process, with the extension of storage time, the organic acids in wine have corrosive effect on aluminum and produce turbid precipitation. Large wine enterprises have long stopped using, and now use stainless steel tanks. The structure of stainless steel wine barrel is stable, which is characterized by tight molecular structure of the original wine, relatively slow oxidation speed, and will not affect the quality of the stored wine.
  The above is the detailed introduction of stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrel to hot wine containers. To learn more, please click http://m.sdlngcjx.com/
