

發(fā)布于:2020-03-27 15:19:44  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  The arrival of the new retail era has changed our consumption habits and concepts. In order to make our life more convenient, more and more intelligent machines appear in our life, these intelligent machines are also loved by the market.
  Among them, the automatic wine vending machine has been launched, which has been highly praised by the market, attracting hundreds of entrepreneurs to join in, and many entrepreneurs have won the first pot of gold in this industry.
  Automatic wine vending machine - no need of storefront, manpower, monthly sales volume or even tens of thousands of yuan to create wine enjoyment world.
  如何從飲料機賺錢(qián)?這是問(wèn)題的賣(mài)方創(chuàng )造的葡萄酒是更好的說(shuō)。讓酒壇老板告訴你如何賺錢(qián)吧!
  How to make money from the beverage machine? This is the question of the seller creating the wine that is best said. Let the wine boss tell you how to make money!
  1、 Advanced concept and broad market prospect
  Liquor is the most popular liquor in China, with a market scale of 100 billion yuan. With the coming of sharing era and unmanned retail era, the traditional retail mode of wine has been unable to adapt to the contemporary consumption concept.
  自產(chǎn)酒機——創(chuàng )造并享受酒壇,將分享的理念與無(wú)人零售的理念相結合。我們既要順應時(shí)代發(fā)展,又要時(shí)代發(fā)展潮流。自主售酒機——創(chuàng )酒將成為白酒零售市場(chǎng)的一個(gè)里程碑。
  Self produced wine machine - create and enjoy the wine world, combining the concept of sharing with the concept of no one retailing. We should not only conform to the development of the times, but also lead the development trend of the times. Independent liquor vending machine - creating liquor will become a milestone in liquor retail market.
  Second, independent research and development to reduce investment cost
  的假設是這臺機器的操作需要技術(shù)支持。如果沒(méi)有自己的研發(fā)團隊,沒(méi)有自己的科研技術(shù),機器的生產(chǎn)成本必然會(huì )增加,對于加盟商來(lái)說(shuō),投資成本也會(huì )增加。
  The perfect assumption is that the operation of this machine requires technical support. If there is no own R & D team and research technology, the production cost of the machine will inevitably increase. For franchisees, the investment cost will also increase.
  自產(chǎn)自銷(xiāo)酒機——創(chuàng )香酒的研發(fā)團隊,的技術(shù),生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)工廠(chǎng),不僅能降低生產(chǎn)成本,還能保證產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量。
  Self produced and self sold wine machine: the professional R & D team of chuangxiang liquor, advanced technology and production line factory can not only reduce the production cost, but also ensure the quality of products.
  III. Novel mode and simple operation
  Convenience is a symbol of modern consumption concept. People are more and more disgusted with the tedious shopping process.
  Self produced wine machine - creating and enjoying wine jars breaks the traditional sales mode, without the need for stores, employees and consumers to produce their own wine, and the wine can be produced by scanning the code.
  And self selecting wine machine - to create an exclusive wine jar, to realize the wishes of the vast number of wine friends: to buy wine on demand. Let consumers buy as much as they want.
  4、 High cost performance and considerable profit
  供應也是商店里更重要的東西之一。具有成本效益的供應不僅可以建立聲譽(yù),而且可以創(chuàng )造可觀(guān)的利潤。
  Supply is also one of the most important things in the store. Cost effective supply can not only build brand reputation, but also create considerable profits.
  It not only ensures the quality of wine, but also ensures the low price of wine, which is more conducive to market development.
  The above is a detailed introduction to the advantages of automatic wine vending machine. I hope it can help you! To learn more, please click http://m.sdlngcjx.com/
