

發(fā)布于:2020-04-26 18:11:50  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

不僅妹子在護膚的時(shí)候喜歡保濕,酒桶也是,當酒桶閑置不用的時(shí)候,一般酒莊主會(huì )把酒桶放在戶(hù)外,這時(shí)候“保持濕潤”就是維護酒桶的關(guān)鍵。當然啦,如果這只酒桶被用過(guò)很多次以后,則會(huì )交給箍桶匠保養,他們會(huì )把內桶桶壁重新炙烤,之后就能再次使用了。另外,他們的工作其實(shí)非常辛苦。每人每天可以箍大約20~25個(gè)木桶。這項工作對于體能的要求非常高,特別是對肩膀、前臂和后背的肌肉要求很高。畢竟面對的是數十個(gè)45公斤的橡木桶,或者140公斤的雪莉桶。
Not only does the sister like to moisturize when she protects her skin, but also the cask. When the cask is not in use, the owner of the winery will put the cask outdoors. At this time, "keep wet" is the key to maintain the cask. Of course, if the barrel is used many times, it will be handed over to the Coopers for maintenance. They will bake the inner barrel wall again, and then it can be used again. In addition, their work is actually very hard. Each person can hoop about 20-25 barrels a day. This job requires a lot of physical strength, especially the muscles in the shoulders, forearms and back. After all, we are facing dozens of 45 kg oak barrels, or 140 kg Sherry barrels.
就像EVOMEN在上面說(shuō)的那樣,其實(shí)橡木才是威士忌熟化的關(guān)鍵。橡木在哪里生長(cháng),以及關(guān)注在蘇格蘭威士忌之前,這只桶曾經(jīng)熟化過(guò)什么,都會(huì )影響到這桶酒的品質(zhì)。當然,就算是,其實(shí)也不一定能了解真正熟化的秘密,所以這時(shí)候經(jīng)驗的作用非常重要。例如,一個(gè)曾經(jīng)裝過(guò)波本威士忌的美國橡木桶,可能會(huì )提升新酒的風(fēng)味,讓它多一些辛辣味和香草氣,也能讓酒變成金黃色。而相比而言你,歐洲雪莉橡木桶,則會(huì )讓酒具有更濃郁的香味和深色。
As evomen said above, oak is the key to whisky ripening. Where the oak grows, and what has ripened before the Scotch, will affect the quality of the wine. Of course, even experts may not be able to understand the secrets of real maturation, so the role of experience is very important at this time. For example, an American oak that used to hold Bourbon might enhance the flavor of the new wine, make it more spicy and vanilla, and make it golden yellow. Compared with you, the European Shirley oak will give the wine a stronger fragrance and dark color.
According to the law of origin, only oak can be used to ripen Scotch whisky. In addition, there are not many standard barrels. Wood from all over the world can be used as wine barrels, and many of them are not brand-new. Some of them also contain other kinds of wine
Generally speaking, it will take at least 12 years for Scotland's bafu to mature in wooden barrels, so this is a test for the quality of wooden barrels. If a bad barrel is used, there is a risk that it will become empty in 12, 15 or even 30 years, because all the alcohol will evaporate by then. It's too long to survive a whole generation, and it's hard to recover, so we must invest some resources and energy in the early stage, and do a good job in the barrel. In addition, evomen found through consultation with wine tasters that 60% of the taste of whisky comes from barrels, so wood is also the key to maturity to some extent.
本文來(lái)自:不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶更多的內容請點(diǎn)擊:http://m.sdlngcjx.com我們將會(huì )為您提問(wèn)的問(wèn)題提供一個(gè)滿(mǎn)意的服務(wù),歡迎您的來(lái)電!
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