

發(fā)布于:2020-05-26 16:48:01  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  Wine products using solid wood cask storage taste better mellow, won many customers' recognition and like. What should we pay special attention to when applying it? Next, I will explain some common misunderstandings to you.
  Myth 1: everything can be loaded in.
  實(shí)木酒桶并不是僅為酒帶來(lái)益處,也并不是所有酒都經(jīng)歷過(guò)其就會(huì )變好喝,只有“天生麗質(zhì)”的酒才經(jīng)得住實(shí)木酒桶的培養。對基礎薄弱的酒來(lái)講,如果一定要放在里培養,會(huì )造成酒質(zhì)更加粗糙、口感口味更加苦澀,僅有的一點(diǎn)果香也會(huì )被橡木味壓制,只剩下嗆鼻的橡木味。
  Solid wood barrel is not only for the benefit of wine, and not all wine will become good after experiencing it. Only "natural and beautiful" wine can withstand the cultivation of solid wood barrel. For the wine with weak foundation, if it must be cultivated in it, it will make the quality of the wine more rough and taste more bitter. The only fruit flavor will also be suppressed by the oak flavor, leaving only the pungent oak flavor.
  Error 2: wine can not use solid wood powder, solid wood chip, solid wood plate.
  Solid wood barrels are essential for the production of high-quality wine, but not all wine can be aged in solid wood barrels. When the wine is thin and the tannin is weak, it can use oak chips, oak boards, etc.
  Myth 3: solid wood barrels bring benefits to wine.
  酒桶給酒帶來(lái)的并不全是好處,有時(shí)候甚于是壞處。比如說(shuō)未清洗干凈或太過(guò)陳舊的實(shí)木酒桶,不僅會(huì )將霉味、腐木等怪味道帶給酒,甚于還可以導致過(guò)度氧化讓酒變質(zhì)。
  Casks are not all good for wine, sometimes even bad. For example, the solid wood barrels that are not cleaned or too old will not only bring the strange taste of mildew and rotten wood to the wine, but also lead to excessive oxidation and deterioration of the wine.
  Myth 4: the barrel can be used indefinitely.
  酒儲藏于實(shí)木酒桶內,主要是依靠實(shí)木的表面與酒交流,伴隨著(zhù)桶齡的增加,實(shí)木所含成份就會(huì )變發(fā)生變化。新桶香味較多,而舊桶香味會(huì )漸漸減少,伴隨著(zhù)應用頻次的增加,舊實(shí)木酒桶易受到不利微生物的污染。實(shí)木酒桶的應用必然有一定的年齡限制,到一定時(shí)期就需更換。
  Wine is stored in solid wood barrels, mainly depends on the surface of solid wood to communicate with wine. With the increase of barrel age, the composition of solid wood will change. With the increase of application frequency, the old solid wood barrels are easily polluted by harmful microorganisms. There must be a certain age limit for the application of solid wood barrels, which need to be replaced in a certain period of time.
