

發(fā)布于:2020-09-10 16:38:55  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

1. Deal with the water quality of wine making
As the saying goes: "water is the blood of wine", winemakers have always attached great importance to the quality of water used for wine making, requiring odorless, fresh, slightly sweet and palatable. In terms of chemical composition, the brewing water should be slightly acidic to facilitate saccharification and fermentation; the total hardness should be appropriate to promote the growth and reproduction of yeast; less organic matter and heavy metals would be better. In addition, the trace minerals in the water are conducive to the growth of wine making microorganisms.
2. Select the right raw materials
釀酒原料的選擇應優(yōu)先考慮原料中淀粉或糖的含量,這與原料的產(chǎn)量有關(guān)。比如釀制糯米酒時(shí),應以糯米為原料,但也有人因為對糯米品種不了解而購買(mǎi)無(wú)粘性的糯米,這自然會(huì )造成發(fā)酵不好、酒味不好、酒精產(chǎn)量低、酒精含量低的現象。
The content of starch or sugar in raw materials should be given priority in the selection of raw materials, which is related to the yield of raw materials. For example, when brewing glutinous rice wine, glutinous rice should be used as raw material, but some people buy non sticky glutinous rice because they don't know the varieties of glutinous rice. This will naturally lead to poor fermentation, bad taste, low alcohol production and low alcohol content.
3. You need to add the right Koji
The quality of koji directly affects the fermentation speed, liquor yield and liquor flavor. Wheat bran and other cereals were used as raw materials for saccharification and alcohol fermentation.
4. Clean wine making environment
在釀造過(guò)程中,應注意避免混合菌的感染。操作環(huán)境是否清潔,酒瓶工作是否到位,操作人員的健康意識等都會(huì )影響白酒的發(fā)酵質(zhì)量。除上述酒曲因素外,還與原料的清潔度和環(huán)境衛生有關(guān)。
In the brewing process, attention should be paid to avoid the infection of mixed bacteria. Whether the operating environment is clean, whether the wine bottle disinfection work is in place, and the health awareness of operators will affect the quality of liquor fermentation. In addition to the above factors, it is also related to the cleanliness of raw materials and environmental hygiene.
5. Use appropriate brewing equipment
釀酒用的釀酒設備要用好材料。如果設備的材料不好,酒中可能含有鉛。釀造過(guò)程基本上由人操作,所以釀造設備必須滿(mǎn)足人體的需要和方便。儲酒桶優(yōu)于酒質(zhì),需要先放在陶瓷罐中,再分裝在陶瓷盆或玻璃瓶中。但要注意空氣密度,否則酒很容易揮發(fā)。因此,釀制每一滴酒,就要看原料成本是低是高,這樣就不會(huì )花同樣的時(shí)間釀制白酒,而不會(huì )釀制出令人難忘的味道。
Good materials should be used in brewing equipment. If the material of the equipment is not good, the wine may contain lead. The brewing process is basically operated by people, so the brewing equipment must meet the needs and convenience of human body. Wine storage barrel is better than wine quality, it needs to be put in ceramic pot first, and then packed in ceramic basin or glass bottle. But pay attention to the air density, otherwise the wine is easy to volatilize. Therefore, making each drop of wine depends on whether the cost of raw materials is low or high, so that the same time will not be spent brewing liquor, and the unforgettable taste will not be produced.
