

發(fā)布于:2020-11-10 15:54:40  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

許多人會(huì )懷疑這種新的賣(mài)酒方式在開(kāi)始時(shí)是否會(huì )帶來(lái)很大的壓力利潤。事實(shí)上,它不是。我們一開(kāi)始需要做的是吸引更多的乘客,在這個(gè)過(guò)程中,我們需要更好地提高用戶(hù)價(jià)值和用戶(hù)體驗,這將為無(wú)人售酒機未來(lái)的使用帶來(lái)更多的優(yōu)勢。但是與傳統方式相比,這種方式在物流和車(chē)間勞動(dòng)方面的成本幾乎可以忽略不計。雖然社區便利店也是24小時(shí)營(yíng)業(yè),而且它的便利性也反映了客戶(hù)服務(wù)的速度,但它在競爭、勞動(dòng)力和店鋪方面的支出成本也非常高。甚有很多電子商務(wù)公司可以在一個(gè)小時(shí)內交貨,但這里的運輸成本也很高,在這方面使用這種無(wú)人無(wú)人售酒機的成本為零。
Many will doubt whether this new way of selling wine will bring a lot of pressure profit in the beginning. In fact, it's not. What we need to do at the beginning is to attract more passengers. In this process, we need to better improve the user value and user experience, which will bring more advantages for the future use of the unmanned alcohol machine. However, compared with the traditional way, the cost of logistics and workshop labor is almost negligible. Although community convenience stores are also open 24 hours a day, and their convenience also reflects the speed of customer service, they also have very high expenditure costs in terms of competition, labor and stores. There are even many e-commerce companies that can deliver within an hour, but the transportation costs here are also very high. In this regard, the cost of using this kind of unmanned wine vending machine is zero.
因此,由于其他零售方式的成本在各個(gè)方面都很高,消費者購買(mǎi)時(shí)自然會(huì )更高,而使用這種方式的成本會(huì )更低,并且他們的商店可以合作,所以消費者購買(mǎi)時(shí)通常會(huì )更低。無(wú)人值守無(wú)人售酒機可以戰勝傳統的零售方式,因為它的客流來(lái)源不同,而且比傳統的零售方式更方便。
Therefore, as the cost of other retail modes is high in all aspects, the price of consumers will naturally be higher when they purchase, and the cost of using this method will be lower, and their stores can cooperate, so the price of consumers will usually be lower. Unattended vending machine can overcome the traditional retail mode because of its different sources of passenger flow and more convenient than the traditional retail mode.
We should know that liquor has always been a traditional drink in China, whether it is in banquets or drinking alone, it can play a very good decorative role. With the improvement of consumers' consumption level and more attention to healthy drinking, more and more consumers are pursuing better liquor quality. Many consumers have said that it is not only convenient to buy wine with unmanned wine vending machine, but also a variety of types, and the quality of liquor is guaranteed.
在傳統買(mǎi)酒的時(shí)候傳統的經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商在銷(xiāo)售的時(shí)候也是陷入了新的困局,即產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈的兩頭被擠壓從而導致渠道中間的環(huán)節利潤變少生存更加困難。然后上游的酒廠(chǎng)也是會(huì )往下擠壓使得經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商的利潤縮減,但與此同時(shí)下游也是在向上擠壓的從而讓經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商的生存空間更有所壓縮。那么如果想要這一問(wèn)題是需要對產(chǎn)業(yè)進(jìn)行升級,然后通過(guò)更加創(chuàng )新的商業(yè)模式來(lái)給消費者提供更好的酒類(lèi)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),或者是結合著(zhù)線(xiàn)上和線(xiàn)下來(lái)制定更加符合消費者需求的方式。
In the traditional time of buying wine, the traditional distributors also fall into a new dilemma when selling, that is, the two ends of the industrial chain are squeezed, which leads to less profits in the middle of the channel, making it more difficult to survive. Then the upstream winery will also squeeze down, reducing the profit of dealers, but at the same time, the downstream is also squeezing upward, so as to make the living space of dealers more compressed. So if you want to solve this problem, you need to upgrade the industry, and then through more innovative business model to provide consumers with better wine products and services, or combine online and offline to develop a more in line with consumer demand.
感謝您的閱讀,此文的文章來(lái)源:自動(dòng)售酒機更多的內容和問(wèn)題請點(diǎn)擊:http://m.sdlngcjx.com我們會(huì )繼續努力的為您提供服務(wù),感謝您的支持!
Thank you for your reading. This article is from: vending machine. For more information and questions, please click: http://m.sdlngcjx.com We will continue to work hard to provide services for you, thank you for your support!
