

發(fā)布于:2020-12-07 17:24:27  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

(1) Ceramic container
Most of them are pottery jars, jars and jars. They are made of clay. They are generally round in shape, with a large belly and a small mouth. They are glazed externally or internally. It is the oldest man-made wine storage and wine container in China, with the longest history and the most extensive application. In the past, almost all the small pottery jars and jars were used to transport and sell wine.
The advantage of ceramic container is that it can keep the quality of wine, and the air is easy to enter, so as to promote the aging of wine, and the cost is low. The longer the wine is stored in the ceramic container, the more metal will be dissolved and the yellow wine color will be. Therefore, the color of wine is related to the storage life. In the same period of time, the material and quality of the container are different, and the coloring degree is also very different. In ceramic containers, whether it is ceramic containers or cement storage tanks inlaid with ceramic tiles, the dissolution amount of calcium is the most, followed by magnesium, copper and iron. According to the research, these metal ions dissolve in wine and play an important role in the aging of wine.
陶甕是我國釀酒業(yè)廣泛采用的一種傳統貯存容器,是長(cháng)期生產(chǎn)實(shí)踐的理想選擇。今,一些名優(yōu)酒廠(chǎng)仍然使用陶甕貯存原酒和成品酒,并且對陶甕的質(zhì)量精挑細選,十分注意。Get 點(diǎn) 硬貨!你家儲存的原漿酒用對了容器么?
Pottery urn is a kind of traditional storage container widely used in China's brewing industry, which is an ideal choice for long-term production practice. So far, some famous distilleries still use pottery urn to store original wine and finished wine, and pay attention to the quality of pottery urn. Get some hard stuff! Do you use the right container for the original liquor stored in your house?
( 2)血料容器
(2) blood container
Chinese traditional wine containers are made of Jingtiao or bamboo strips, such as wine sea, wine jar and wine basket, which are pasted with multi-layer mulberry paper and coated with blood materials. There are also wine boxes made of wood or cement pool, which are pasted with multi-layer mulberry paper and coated with blood, which are used as wine containers. The above two are collectively referred to as blood container. It is a traditional Chinese wine container with a long history.
“血料”是用動(dòng)物血(多用豬血)和石灰制成的一種具有可塑性的蛋白質(zhì)膠質(zhì)鹽,與酒精形成半滲透的薄膜,這種薄膜的特性是水能滲透而酒精不能滲透,對酒度 30度以上的白酒有良好的防滲作用, 30度以下的白酒因為水的所占比例較大,容易滲透血料紙而引起損耗,貯存過(guò)久,還會(huì )將血料紙層泡軟而致使脫落。所以不宜用血料容器來(lái)貯存 30度以下白酒。
"Blood material" is a kind of plastic protein colloidal salt made of animal blood (mostly pig blood) and lime. It forms a semi permeable film with alcohol. The characteristic of this film is that water can permeate, but alcohol can not. It has good anti-seepage effect on liquor with alcohol content above 30 degrees, Liquor below 30 ℃ is easy to penetrate blood material paper and cause loss due to the large proportion of water. If the liquor is stored for a long time, the paper layer will be softened and fall off. Therefore, it is not suitable to use blood container to store liquor below 30 ℃.
血料容器的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是可以就地取材,成本較低,不易損壞。大型的酒簍(酒海)、酒箱每個(gè)裝酒可達 5噸以上。據說(shuō)血料容器貯酒會(huì )對酒質(zhì)的保持起良好作用。用酒海裝酒,超過(guò)三年,雖酒度不變但酒色有變黃的趨向。
The advantages of blood containers are that they can be made from local materials, have low cost and are not easy to be damaged. Large wine baskets (wine sea) and wine boxes can hold more than 5 tons of wine each. It is said that the storage of wine in blood containers will play a good role in maintaining the quality of liquor. Although the alcohol content remains unchanged, the wine color tends to turn yellow after more than three years.
Glass bottle is best not to store liquor for a long time, fruit wine is no problem
吼吼 這個(gè)可不是棺材啊 這也是酒海的一種
Roar, this is not a coffin. It's also a kind of wine sea
Oak barrel for red wine storage
( 3)木制容器
(3) wooden containers
In liquor making, pure wooden containers are not used, brandy and whisky are stored in oak barrels, which can obtain special effects.
( 4)其他容器
(4) other containers
隨著(zhù)酒業(yè)生產(chǎn)的發(fā)展和現代材料的不斷出現,不少制酒者采用了金屬大型容器,來(lái)陶瓷、血料容器貯存量小的問(wèn)題。Get 點(diǎn) 硬貨!你家儲存的原漿酒用對了容器么?
With the development of liquor industry and the continuous emergence of modern materials, many liquor makers have adopted large metal containers to solve the problem of small storage capacity of ceramic and blood containers. Get some hard stuff! Do you use the right container for the original liquor stored in your house?
不銹鋼食品級存酒罐 大型酒廠(chǎng)常見(jiàn)容器
Stainless steel food grade wine storage tank
① Stainless steel container. Stainless steel has excellent stability, is not easy to oxidize and resist corrosion. At present, a large number of stainless steel containers are used to store liquor in wineries.
② Liquor storage tank (cement tank). It is a kind of large-scale wine storage container in modern liquor production industry. It is constructed underground, semi underground or on the ground with reinforced concrete structure.
The above is the solid wood wine barrel with stainless steel liner shared by Xiaobian. What new and interesting knowledge have you seen? , welcome to click on the website link http://m.sdlngcjx.com Write down what you want to say in the message
