

發(fā)布于:2020-12-16 15:16:19  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

1. Steady
It mainly refers to the relatively stable technological conditions of liquor making, including various ingredients ratio, and main pond entry conditions, such as starch, water content, acidity, temperature, etc., which should not be changed from high to low, large or small. If it is necessary to adjust due to seasonal and climatic changes, it should also be adjusted step by step. The purpose is to make the fermented grains warm up and produce acid slowly, and the starch consumption is relatively complete. In case of large discharge of liquor and vicious circulation of fermented grains acidity, it is also not allowed to retreat the bottom fermented grains, increase auxiliary materials and water.
2. Accurate
生產(chǎn)班長(cháng)以上的生產(chǎn)管理者,對釀酒工藝條件,如配料比例、酒醅的升溫和生酸、流酒等情況要做到心中有數,準確掌握,嚴格按工藝規程操作。“準”的首要一點(diǎn)是配料準確,其質(zhì)量關(guān)鍵控制點(diǎn)是糧醅比,不能憑估計、說(shuō)大概。醅、量水等相關(guān)容器少要經(jīng)過(guò)一次準確的計量或稱(chēng)量,對酒醅的升溫、生酸、淀粉、糖分、酒精等變化要勤于分析和觀(guān)察,學(xué)會(huì )用化驗數據指導生產(chǎn),加強工作責任心。
The production managers above the production team leader shall have a clear idea of the brewing process conditions, such as the proportion of ingredients, the temperature rise of fermented grains, acid production and liquor flow, etc., and operate in strict accordance with the technological procedures. The primary point of "accuracy" is the accuracy of ingredients, and the key point of quality control is the ratio of grains to grains. At least one accurate measurement or weighing should be carried out for the bottom fermented grains and water measuring containers. The temperature rise, acid production, starch, sugar, alcohol and other changes of fermented grains should be analyzed and observed. The production should be guided by the test data and the sense of responsibility should be strengthened.
3. Fine
It mainly refers to the meticulous operation, including raw materials and koji crushing suitable, ingredient operation, rice inspection field operation, steamer filling and distillation operation, fermentation operation and management, etc. it is not allowed to make crude products in a rough way, or rush to get off work.
4. Net
Wine making operation should pay attention to civilized production, clean and sanitary, including raw materials and auxiliary materials to be cleaned, cleaned and steamed, and no moldy, hot and caked raw and auxiliary materials should be used; Qu room, rice inspection field, wine making equipment, utensils, fermentation containers and wine storage containers should be cleaned and cleaned, and disinfection and sterilization should be carried out when necessary. All sewage, distiller's grains, bottom pot water is not clean for a long time.
以上就是今天小編為大家介紹關(guān)于全自動(dòng)涼茬機的相關(guān)的資訊,您可以及時(shí)的關(guān)注我們的網(wǎng)址:http://m.sdlngcjx.com查詢(xún)了解更多的詳情咨詢(xún),我們會(huì )有更多的精彩內容為您呈現.
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