

發(fā)布于:2020-12-30 16:04:54  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

1. Requirements and selection of cleaning agents for brewing equipment.
The cleaning agent should have the functions of wetting, dissolving, penetrating, saponifying and digesting, and has low corrosivity, high safety, low price, easy washing, convenient use, no harm to human body and little pollution to environment. The selection of cleaning agent should be based on the material characteristics of brewing equipment, the nature of dirt, the water quality characteristics of water, the use cost and effect, and the environmental protection requirements.
2. Cleaning technology and method of brewing equipment.
The removal of dirt mainly depends on the adhesion ability of dirt on the surface, the firmness of dirt, the surface type (roughness, corrosiveness) of brewing equipment, and the cleaning method. The process of decontamination is a process of mechanical action, chemical action and temperature effect. First of all, it is necessary to play a mechanical role, that is, to use a certain impact strength of water to flush away the attachment on the surface of the equipment, and then, the cleaning agent plays a physical and chemical role under the joint action of temperature and surfactant. Acid or alkaline cleaning agent can also be used, and surfactant can be added to the cleaning solution to reduce the surface tension of the attached objects on the surface of the equipment, destroy the fouling film, make the dirt loose, crack or dissolve, and improve the cleaning effect. At the same time, improving the cleaning speed can make the cleaning agent enter into the interior of the dirt faster, and make it expand and fall off quickly.
3. The basic requirements of the cleaning process of brewing equipment.
(1) The equipment must be closed during cleaning.
(2) The cleaning fluid must be in direct contact with the dirt. The effect of mechanical scouring should be applied to the cleaned parts. The concentration, temperature and time of the cleaning solution must meet the process requirements.
(3) The cleaned dirt must be discharged from the brewing equipment in a flowing way to prevent the dirt from depositing again.
(4) During the cleaning process, its concentration should be adjusted and detected regularly. Finally, the cleaning agent must also be completely discharged.
