

發(fā)布于:2021-04-19 15:41:23  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

There are two different ways of heating the Baijiu brewing equipment. There are two different heating methods. One is the use of electric heating boiler, the other is the use of fire heating boiler. So what is the difference between the two heating methods? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
電加熱的優(yōu)點(diǎn)就是看起來(lái)使用方便,而且沒(méi)有什么廢氣排放。說(shuō)使用方便,就是它插上電就可以用,相比要生火來(lái)燒水是方便很多。而且使用煤或柴來(lái)燒火會(huì )產(chǎn)生煙塵,用電就有沒(méi)這個(gè)擔心。
The advantage of electric heating is that it looks easy to use, and there is no exhaust emission. It's easy to use, that is, it can be used when it's plugged in. It's much more convenient than making a fire to boil water. And if you use coal or firewood to make a fire, there will be smoke and dust. Do you worry about using electricity.
但電加熱方式的缺點(diǎn)也很明顯。,一般情況下它需要三相電,也就是工業(yè)用電,這樣才能保證它的加熱速度。在這樣的情況下,要想使用電加熱設備,就要對整個(gè)線(xiàn)路進(jìn)行改造,這樣就會(huì )涉及到一個(gè)比較大的改裝費用。同時(shí),如此大的功率如果在人口密集區長(cháng)期使用,還存在火災隱患,需要特別注意。
But the disadvantages of electric heating are also obvious. First of all, in general, it needs three-phase power, that is, industrial power, so as to ensure its heating speed. In this case, in order to use electric heating equipment, it is necessary to transform the whole line, which will involve a relatively large modification cost. At the same time, if such a large power is used in densely populated areas for a long time, there are still fire hazards, which need special attention.
電的問(wèn)題是一方面,另一方面是電熱棒的使用壽命和維護保養問(wèn)題。相對于設備一開(kāi)始使用就需要面對的電流問(wèn)題,電熱棒的使用壽命問(wèn)題和維護保養問(wèn)題并不容易很快就被人發(fā)現,但在使用了一段時(shí)間,短則半個(gè)月一個(gè)月,長(cháng)則半年后,這個(gè)問(wèn)題便會(huì )曝露出來(lái)。而且電熱棒在使用過(guò)程中表面會(huì )凝結一層水垢,影響加熱效果。一旦電熱棒損壞需要更換,對于沒(méi)有修理經(jīng)驗的普通客戶(hù)來(lái)說(shuō)又是一大難題。
The problem of electricity is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the service life and maintenance of the electric heating rod. Compared with the current problem that the equipment needs to face at the beginning of use, the service life and maintenance problems of the electric heating rod are not easy to be discovered quickly, but after a period of use, as short as half a month, as long as half a year, this problem will be exposed. Moreover, a layer of scale will condense on the surface of the electric heating rod during use, which will affect the heating effect. Once the heating rod is damaged and needs to be replaced, it is a big problem for ordinary customers who have no repair experience.
因為更換電熱棒需要同時(shí)注意密封和絕緣,普通客戶(hù)要更換實(shí)在有點(diǎn)勉為其難。簡(jiǎn)單分析完電加熱釀酒設備,我們再來(lái)看火加熱釀酒設備。使用火來(lái)加熱釀酒設備,不存在改裝電路等擔心,直接安裝好就可以燒火使用。它的缺陷是:柴或煤在燃燒時(shí)會(huì )產(chǎn)生廢氣和廢渣,如果是在人口密集區使用會(huì )受到限制。這時(shí)我們可以考慮使用成本稍高些的無(wú)煙煤或天然氣,這樣就會(huì )基本產(chǎn)生廢氣的問(wèn)題。
Because the replacement of electric heating rod needs to pay attention to the sealing and insulation at the same time, ordinary customers are reluctant to replace it. After a brief analysis of the electric heating wine making equipment, let's look at the fire heating wine making equipment. Using fire to heat wine making equipment, there is no worry about refitting the circuit, and it can be used after being directly installed. Its defect is: when wood or coal is burned, it will produce waste gas and slag, and if it is used in densely populated areas, it will be limited. At this time, we can consider using anthracite or natural gas with higher cost, which will basically solve the problem of waste gas generation.
