

發(fā)布于:2021-05-07 15:58:17  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

涼茬機是用來(lái)生產(chǎn)釀造白酒的設備,在生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中涼茬機的使用大大提高了工作效率,讓釀酒量大量提高,是現在釀酒企業(yè)使用較多的生產(chǎn)設備。我們知道在釀酒過(guò)程中,會(huì )需要用到稻殼,很多人都很好奇為什么要加入稻殼,加入稻殼的原因是什么,需要加多少?全自動(dòng)涼茬機下面就分享下釀酒過(guò)程中加入稻殼的原因。
The stubble machine is used to produce baijiu. In the process of production, the use of the stubble machine has greatly improved the work efficiency and made the quantity of wine making increase. We know that rice husk will be used in the process of wine making. Many people are very curious about why to add rice husk, why to add rice husk, and how much to add? The reason of adding rice husk in wine making process is shared below.
1、 Physical and chemical properties of rice husk
稻殼是由外穎、內穎,護穎和小穗軸等幾部分組成,外穎頂部之外長(cháng)有鬢毛狀的毛。正稻殼則是由一些粗燥的厚壁細胞組成,其厚度大約24~30微米,稻殼富含纖維素、木質(zhì)素、二氧化硅,其中脂肪、蛋白質(zhì)的含量較低,基于稻谷品種、地區、氣候等差異,其化學(xué)組成會(huì )有差異。
Rice husk is composed of exoglume, endoglume, protective glume and rachis. There are sideburns on the top of exoglume. Rice husk is composed of thick walled cells with a thickness of about 24-30 microns. Rice husk is rich in cellulose, lignin and silicon dioxide. The contents of fat and protein are relatively low. Based on the differences of rice varieties, regions and climate, the chemical composition of rice husk is different.
1. Dilute the starch content.
The starch content in grain is about 65%, and the starch content in fermentation tank is between 17% and 22%. Adding rice husk can dilute starch.
2. Rice husk is elastic and loose.
Fermented grains contain a certain amount of air. Baijiu starter is bred in aerobic condition, and is fermented without oxygen. With the help of rice husk, fermented grains contain a little air, which can make yeasts grow.
3. Water holding function.
The fermentation process of Baijiu is carried out in the cellar. With rice husk, it can drag water, so that the upper and lower layers of the cellar can be fermented evenly, not the upper fermentation is not good, and the bottom water is too much.
2、 Time of adding rice husk:
The addition of husk into the cellar can loosen the distiller's grains, prevent the grains from being sticky, and reduce the acidity, which is conducive to fermentation. When distilling with cooling stubble machine, adding rice husk can make distiller's grains spread evenly, do not press air, and increase liquor yield.
3、 How many rice husk cooling stubble machines need to be added
Rice husk contains pentose, pectin, silicate and other components, which affect the quality of wine during fermentation. Therefore, the dosage of pentose should be strictly controlled (generally controlled at 8% is more appropriate), and it should be steamed before use. Pentose can produce t-aldehyde under the action of microorganisms. Rice husk should be fresh, dry and free from mildew.
