

發(fā)布于:2021-07-12 15:25:01  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

The production and processing of wood barrel, which is a necessary product for aging, is a mixture of dragon and snake, because customers' cognition of wood barrel is generally in a very vague state, which objectively shows the environment for the survival of fake and inferior wood barrel. As a well-known enterprise in China's wood barrel industry, we have the responsibility to show the necessary guidance to our customers. The barrel reminds the customers that they must identify the internal rules when buying the barrel.
1、 Inner barrel
木桶多年來(lái)致力于生產(chǎn)無(wú)內膽、純烘烤木桶。對于內膽裝飾桶并沒(méi)有過(guò)多研究。從酒品上來(lái)講,內膽桶是不能用于陳釀的,基本上是毫無(wú)效果。如果作為一般的禮品連著(zhù)紅酒贈送友人是能夠的。畢竟這類(lèi)木桶外型制作比較好看。提議收到有內膽的木桶,紅酒不要貯存過(guò)久,因為內膽桶的內膽多為鋁箔包裝袋子或者是包裝袋子,這些化合物長(cháng)期與酒觸碰多少會(huì )對酒的質(zhì)量有所影響。提議顧客在購買(mǎi)時(shí)更強選擇鋼罐等穩定性好的內膽桶,而且貯存標準不要長(cháng)時(shí)間。
Cask for many years committed to the production of no liner, pure baking cask. There is not much research on the inner decoration barrel. From the point of wine, the inner barrel can not be used for aging, basically no effect. As a general gift, it is possible to give wine to friends. After all, this kind of barrel looks better. It is suggested that the red wine should not be stored for too long after receiving the wooden barrel with inner liner, because the inner liner of the barrel is mostly aluminum foil packaging bags or packaging bags. The long-term contact of these compounds with the wine will affect the quality of the wine. It is suggested that customers should choose more stable tanks such as steel cans when purchasing, and the storage standard should not be long.
2、 Wood barrel filled with glue and wax
這類(lèi)木桶是特有的,而且是木桶市場(chǎng)上十分常見(jiàn)的。無(wú)論在美國、法國、美國,生產(chǎn)的木桶都不可能應用膠水和蠟油。蠟溶于酒,會(huì )造成胃部的損傷,這類(lèi)酒桶是一定不能購買(mǎi)的。
This kind of cask is unique to China, and is very common in China's cask market. No matter in the United States, France or the United States, it is impossible to apply glue and wax oil to wooden barrels. Wax dissolved in wine, will cause damage to the stomach, this kind of barrel is certainly not to buy.
木桶工藝中滲漏問(wèn)題是關(guān)鍵難題。許多商家技術(shù)不符合標準就會(huì )采用灌蠟的方法,將桶的縫隙堵住,這樣的桶雖然不滲漏,但是桶壁的蠟油會(huì )影響桶的透氣性,重要的是會(huì )影響身心健康。
Leakage is the key problem in barrel technology. Many businesses do not meet the standard technology, they will use wax filling method to plug the gap of the barrel. Although such a barrel does not leak, the wax oil on the barrel wall will affect the permeability of the barrel, and the most important thing is that it will affect physical and mental health.
Customers are advised to scald the barrel with boiling water when you buy it back, so as to check whether there is wax in the barrel. When the bucket is soaked with water, if the bucket has leakage, it can prove that the bucket has no chemical coating.
