

發(fā)布于:2021-07-30 16:08:18  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

Wine is playing an increasingly important role in people's life. People either use it to entertain guests and friends, or use it to comfort body and mind, or for other purposes. But since everyone likes wine so much, how much do you know about small brewing equipment? Now, let's meet the brewing equipment manufacturer.
在用釀酒設備進(jìn)行釀酒時(shí),大火燒開(kāi),為確保酒的口感不受沸點(diǎn)低的物質(zhì)影響,應使原料的溫度達到80℃左右,這樣酒被釀造出來(lái)就不會(huì )有雜味,度數也不會(huì )太高。如果要想釀造出我們想要的酒,在出酒后火力就要減小,不要一直加火,不然出來(lái)的酒口感就會(huì )比較差。
When brewing with brewing equipment, the fire will boil. In order to ensure that the taste of the wine is not affected by substances with low boiling point, the temperature of raw materials should reach about 80 ℃, so that the wine will not have miscellaneous taste and the degree will not be too high. If we want to brew the wine we want, the fire power should be reduced after the wine is produced. Don't add fire all the time, otherwise the wine will taste worse.
酒被釀造出來(lái)之后,要將其進(jìn)行冷卻。因此要格外注意火候。火力太大,和小型釀酒設備的冷卻速度不一致時(shí),出來(lái)的酒就會(huì )發(fā)熱,口感復雜,不僅不好喝,產(chǎn)量也會(huì )下降。另外,火候也會(huì )影響到酒的質(zhì)量。一般正常的小型釀酒設備在出酒時(shí)都是先出高度酒,后出低度酒,酒的度數慢慢下降。
After the wine is brewed, it should be cooled. Therefore, pay special attention to the fire. When the firepower is too large and the cooling rate is inconsistent with that of small brewing equipment, the wine will be hot and taste complex. It is not only bad to drink, but also the output will decrease. In addition, the heat will also affect the quality of the wine. Generally, the normal small-scale brewing equipment produces high alcohol wine first, and then low alcohol wine, and the alcohol level decreases slowly.
酒也成為生活中不可缺少的產(chǎn)品了,為了生產(chǎn)出來(lái)酒,釀酒設備關(guān)重要,為了提高生產(chǎn)效率,降低成本,經(jīng)過(guò)不斷的研究,將傳統的釀造工藝設計到設備中進(jìn)行釀酒。但是使用任何設備都會(huì )出現問(wèn)題,使用釀酒設備過(guò)程中如果發(fā)生漏水情況,我們應該怎么?
Wine has also become an indispensable product in life. In order to produce wine, brewing equipment is very important. In order to improve production efficiency and reduce cost, through continuous research, the traditional brewing process is designed into the equipment for brewing. However, there will be problems when using any equipment. If water leakage occurs during the use of brewing equipment, how should we solve it?
一、釀酒設備位置受溫度影響,低于-13.2℃的情況不能用錫焊進(jìn)行修復,在這種低溫下,錫會(huì )在金屬晶格中轉變成粉末狀的灰色錫,從而會(huì )造成焊點(diǎn)滲漏現場(chǎng)。當氣溫上升時(shí)就又出現漏水現場(chǎng)。
1、 The location of brewing equipment is affected by temperature. If it is lower than - 13.2 ℃, it cannot be repaired by tin welding. At this low temperature, tin will change into powdery gray tin in the metal lattice, resulting in solder joint leakage. When the temperature rises, water leakage occurs again.
二、較厚的釀酒設備出現問(wèn)題,可以鉆孔用不銹鋼螺旋維修;對于很薄的釀酒設備只能用防水膠修補,才不會(huì )損壞設備。在清理裂紋處的油污時(shí),用砂布打磨氧化膜,再用螺絲刀或斷鋸條刮除干凈,用噴燈將鋁件加熱,溫度不能太高控制在300℃-400℃,將焊條在裂紋處涂擦,當焊條熔化時(shí),用螺絲刀將熔化的焊條合金在裂紋處摩擦,再逐步加厚焊層。
2、 If the thicker brewing equipment has problems, it can be drilled and repaired with stainless steel screw; For very thin brewing equipment, it can only be repaired with waterproof glue so as not to damage the equipment. When cleaning the oil stain at the crack, polish the oxide film with emery cloth, scrape it with a screwdriver or saw blade, heat the aluminum parts with a blowtorch, control the temperature at 300 ℃ - 400 ℃, and wipe the welding rod at the crack. When the welding rod melts, use a screwdriver to rub the molten welding rod alloy at the crack, and then gradually thicken the welding layer.
三、很多地方在修復時(shí)需要注意很多細節,我們必須了解設備的特點(diǎn)并掌握細節。釀酒設備如果出現問(wèn)題我們可以會(huì )有一個(gè)又快又好的辦法。
3、 Many places need to pay attention to many details during repair. We must understand the characteristics of the equipment and master the details. If there is a problem with brewing equipment, we can have a fast and good solution.
