
用釀酒設備蒸出的高度酒會(huì )少嗎

發(fā)布于:2021-08-23 15:51:59  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

在釀酒過(guò)程中,原料的飽滿(mǎn)度、酒曲的發(fā)酵力、糧食的蒸煮程度、發(fā)酵溫度的控制、釀酒設備和釀酒溫度都會(huì )影響出酒率。
In the process of brewing, the fullness of raw materials, the fermentation power of koji, the cooking degree of grain, the control of fermentation temperature, brewing equipment and brewing temperature will all affect the liquor yield.
Therefore, if we want the brewing equipment to produce more wine, we should strictly control every link from raw material selection to wine production, otherwise, the quality of producing more wine is not high.
1、 Selection of raw materials and koji
Raw materials include grain, water and koji. The grain requires that the new grain is full, the starch content is high, and there is no mildew or moisture. Generally, the old grain is not used, and the impurities in the grain are cleaned before brewing.
水質(zhì)的影響,比如酵母的pH值為5時(shí),其產(chǎn)物為酒精,而PH值為8時(shí),其產(chǎn)物為甘油。因此,水質(zhì)的酸堿度會(huì )對發(fā)酵產(chǎn)生重要影響。
For example, when the pH value of yeast is 5, the product is alcohol, while when the pH value is 8, the product is glycerol. Therefore, the pH of water quality will have an important impact on fermentation.
It is suggested to select a regular distillery with strong fermentation capacity and good stability, such as the lees of YadA high-yield distillery. The wine brewed with the lees of local distillery tastes good, but the stability of lees produced in different batches and seasons is different.
The choice of distiller's yeast is generally not as good as high-yield distiller's yeast. Using microbial strains and Chinese herbal medicine to cultivate high-yield distiller's yeast, the yield of distiller's yeast was higher than that of local distiller's yeast.
2、 Fermentation management
When making solid wine, we should ensure that the flowering rate of steamed grain is about 95% and the water content is moderate.
During the fermentation process, the temperature change of fermented grains should be monitored at any time. If the temperature is too high, it shall be cooled in time, and if the temperature is too low, it shall be heated in time.
3、 Brewing equipment itself
很多釀酒大師依然用傳統的釀酒設備釀酒,設備常用的傳統木甑用大鐵鍋作為冷卻器,不僅降溫效果差,還會(huì )有跑酒的現象。
Many brewing masters still use traditional brewing equipment to make wine. The traditional wooden steamer commonly used in the equipment uses a large iron pot as a cooler, which not only has poor cooling effect, but also runs away from wine.
1. When steaming wine with equipment, raise the end of the freezer by 3-5cm, so as to get more wine.
2. After removing 1-2% of the wine head in the process of receiving wine, when the required alcohol level is reached, take out the remaining wine separately, pour it into the next pot together with the wine head and steam it again.
4、 Wine temperature
蒸酒時(shí),產(chǎn)量和溫度不宜過(guò)高或過(guò)低。溫度過(guò)高時(shí),葡萄酒中的酒精分子和香氣物質(zhì)揮發(fā),影響葡萄酒的產(chǎn)量和口感。白酒溫度太低,揮發(fā)性物質(zhì)揮發(fā)不出來(lái),會(huì )造成白酒口味不一,雜味多。一般把酒的溫度控制在20-30度比較合適。
When steaming wine, the yield and temperature should not be too high or too low. When the temperature is too high, the alcohol molecules and aroma substances in wine volatilize, affecting the yield and taste of wine. Liquor temperature is too low, volatile substances can not volatilize, Baijiu Baijiu will cause different tastes, mixed flavor. Generally, it is appropriate to control the temperature of wine at 20-30 degrees.
另外,在用釀酒設備蒸酒的過(guò)程中,如果出現板氣、踏氣的現象,酒醅中的酒分子不會(huì )揮發(fā),也會(huì )影響出酒率。
In addition, in the process of steaming wine with brewing equipment, if there is the phenomenon of board gas and stepping on gas, the wine molecules in the fermented grains will not volatilize, which will also affect the yield of wine.
