

發(fā)布于:2021-09-03 14:38:49  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

老話(huà)說(shuō)“酒香不怕巷子深”很多的酒在釀造的過(guò)程當中因為經(jīng)過(guò)天然發(fā)酵是會(huì )有酒香的,很多的釀造廠(chǎng)當中沒(méi)有使用各種香料等,那么這樣的話(huà)需要使用一下方法來(lái)對酒香和口感作出調整提高的,又如何能夠做到即便是方式在無(wú)人售酒機當中,在取出銷(xiāo)售的時(shí)候依然是會(huì )有很好的酒香。
As the old saying goes, "the smell of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley". Many wines will have the smell of wine in the brewing process because of natural fermentation. Many breweries do not use various spices. In this case, we need to use some methods to adjust and improve the smell and taste of wine. How can we do it even in the unmanned wine machine, It will still have a good aroma when it is taken out for sale.
1、因為在釀酒的時(shí)候用到的糧食都是不一樣的,所以在釀造出來(lái)之后不同的酒味道也都是不同的,比如說(shuō)高粱在釀造的時(shí)候是會(huì )出優(yōu)生酸單寧的,這樣是可以轉化為一種芳香物質(zhì)從而起到很好的增強香氣的作用。而且每一種不同的糧食糧食都是會(huì )有自己獨特的味道。而且還有一種雜糧酒也是會(huì )具有各種不同的風(fēng)味。
1. Because the grains used in brewing are different, different wines taste different after brewing. For example, sorghum will produce eugenic acid tannin during brewing, which can be transformed into an aromatic substance to enhance the aroma. And every different grain has its own unique taste. And there is also a kind of coarse grain wine that will have different flavors.
2、上一條介紹的五谷可以為酒的香氣提供基本的功能,從而可以讓酒在釀造出來(lái)之后是可能會(huì )具有香味的,但是在釀造的時(shí)候使用什么樣的工藝才可以讓香氣發(fā)酵出來(lái),以及如何讓香氣在存放的時(shí)候也是可以留存的更久,這都是需要在生產(chǎn)工藝當中作出調整才可以達到的,很多的無(wú)人售酒機銷(xiāo)售的酒在進(jìn)行蒸餾的時(shí)候是會(huì )產(chǎn)生多種物質(zhì)在當中的,而且因為這當中的酯類(lèi)物質(zhì)的種類(lèi)是非常多的,所以聞起來(lái)的時(shí)候是會(huì )感覺(jué)有濃郁的香氣和風(fēng)味的。而我們平時(shí)可以聞到的酒香都是由乙酯產(chǎn)生的。其中的酒精還可以幫助酒起到散發(fā)氣味的作用,同時(shí)也是可以讓酒更加的有“醇香”的味道。
2. The grains described in the previous article can provide basic functions for the aroma of wine, so that the wine may have aroma after brewing, but what process can be used to ferment the aroma during brewing, and how to keep the aroma longer during storage, This can only be achieved by making adjustments in the production process. Many wines sold by wine vending machines will produce a variety of substances during distillation, and because there are many kinds of esters, they will smell rich aroma and flavor. And the aroma we can smell at ordinary times is produced by ethyl ester. The alcohol can also help the wine to emit smell, and it can also make the wine more "mellow".
Have you understood the above methods to improve the aroma of wine? Because the wine stored in the unmanned wine vending machine needs to avoid volatilization, so it is necessary to adjust the interior to avoid volatilization when placed. Only in this way can the wine have a good aroma when taken out.
