

發(fā)布于:2021-09-08 14:44:07  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶由于表面光亮,易清洗、不沾污垢,安 全,成為釀酒的選擇,因此有很多人想要嘗試著(zhù)自己制作一下,但是對于這方面的知識又不是很懂,下面就為大家詳細介紹一下該設備的優(yōu)勢體現。
Stainless steel inner liner solid wood wine barrel has become the choice for brewing because of its bright surface, easy cleaning, no dirt, safety and environmental protection. Therefore, many people want to try to make it by themselves, but they don't know much about this knowledge. Here is a detailed introduction to the manufacturing steps of the equipment.
不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶在陳釀葡萄酒的過(guò)程中,桶內的丹寧、香蘭素、橡木內酯、丁子香酚等化合物質(zhì)會(huì )溶解于葡萄酒中,這些物質(zhì)可以使葡萄酒的顏色更為穩定、口感更為柔和、香味更為協(xié)調。此外,實(shí)木酒桶壁因具備通透性,因而可提高葡萄酒的澄清度。不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶陳釀葡萄酒的過(guò)程中,上述化合物質(zhì)會(huì )隨時(shí)間發(fā)生變化,事實(shí)上不同年齡的實(shí)木酒桶對酒的貢獻不盡相同。對葡萄酒來(lái)說(shuō),舊實(shí)木酒桶里含有的有益成分與香味較之新實(shí)木酒桶都大為減少。一般來(lái)說(shuō),實(shí)木酒桶可以?xún)Σ鼐频哪挲g通常為五六年。
Stainless steel inner liner solid wood barrel during the aging of wine, the compound substances such as tannin, vanillin, oak lactone and eugenol in the barrel will dissolve in the wine. These substances can make the wine more stable in color, softer in taste and more coordinated in aroma. In addition, the solid wood barrel wall can improve the clarity of wine because of its permeability. In the process of aging wine in stainless steel inner liner solid wood barrel, the above compounds will change over time. In fact, the contribution of solid wood barrel of different ages to wine is different. For wine, the beneficial ingredients and aroma contained in the old solid wood barrel are much less than those in the new solid wood barrel. Generally speaking, solid wood barrels can store wine for five to six years.
不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶表面光亮,易清洗、不沾污垢,安 全、衛生精制。堅韌、耐腐蝕,結合的拋光工藝,在實(shí)用的基礎上又突出美觀(guān)和高雅,而且容易清洗。
Stainless steel inner liner, solid wood barrel, bright surface, easy to clean, free of dirt, safe, environmental protection, sanitation and refinement. Tough, corrosion-resistant, combined with exquisite polishing technology, it highlights beauty and elegance on the basis of practicality, and is easy to clean.
