

發(fā)布于:2021-09-24 15:21:05  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

It is very important to choose a set of easy-to-use small brewing equipment, which can make the brewing efficiency higher and the liquor yield higher. So how can we choose a set of good brewing equipment? Next, let's take a look with Xiaobian.
The first is to choose the material of brewing equipment. The manufacturing raw materials used by each manufacturer are different. There are many kinds of brewing equipment materials. Stainless steel, aluminum and stainless iron are used more in the market.
Small brewing equipment
不銹鋼釀酒設備化學(xué)性能穩定,不會(huì )產(chǎn)生對人體有害的物質(zhì),容易清潔,外觀(guān)美觀(guān),使用壽命長(cháng),耐用,受到了很多用戶(hù)的青睞,另外還有一些陶制的,水泥材料制成的設備,材質(zhì)不同,酒感也不同,根據自己的需求來(lái)選購吧。
Stainless steel brewing equipment has stable chemical properties and will not produce substances harmful to human body. It is easy to clean, beautiful in appearance, long service life and durable. It is favored by many users. In addition, there are some equipment made of ceramic and cement materials with different materials and different wine feeling. Buy it according to your own needs.
在買(mǎi)小型釀酒設備時(shí),廠(chǎng)家也會(huì )給用戶(hù)一份釀酒技術(shù)指南,要是用戶(hù)有自己的釀造辦法就不用對這份指南做過(guò)多的研究了,對于不懂釀酒的小白來(lái)說(shuō),這份釀酒技術(shù)指南能夠讓他對釀酒行業(yè)有更多的了解。
When buying small brewing equipment, the manufacturer will also give users a brewing technical guide. If users have their own brewing methods, they don't have to do too much research on this guide. For Xiaobai who doesn't understand brewing, this brewing technical guide can let him have more understanding of the brewing industry.
Qualified users can go to the manufacturer for field investigation when purchasing small brewing equipment. They can not only listen to the salesperson's oral words, but also start the operation to see how practical it is.
