

發(fā)布于:2021-11-13 15:40:12  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

哲學(xué)上有這樣一句話(huà):再好喝的蘋(píng)果酒也難免帶有木桶的味道。熟悉釀酒知識的朋友們一定知道,傳統的葡萄酒釀酒手法通常是將葡萄放入橡木桶中進(jìn)行長(cháng)時(shí)間的陳釀,在這中間,果酒因此沾染的木桶味卻并不被人所嫌棄,因為人們常常認為這樣才是葡萄酒應有的味道,就像人們愿意在生病時(shí)喝苦藥,認為苦藥才有效,在喝苦藥時(shí)痛并快樂(lè )著(zhù)。但隨著(zhù)快生活時(shí)代的悄然而,葡萄酒這樣的慢制作工藝產(chǎn)物也開(kāi)始暗淡于人們的視野中,葡萄酒釀造工藝的進(jìn)步迫在眉睫,于是更的釀造設備開(kāi)始獨占市場(chǎng)一方鰲頭,不銹鋼桶與橡木桶開(kāi)始在各個(gè)方面展開(kāi)battle,兩者孰強孰弱且聽(tīng)我慢慢分析。
There is a philosophical saying: no matter how delicious cider is, it will inevitably taste like a barrel. Friends familiar with wine making knowledge must know that the traditional wine making method is usually to put grapes into oak barrels for long-term aging. In this process, the barrel flavor of fruit wine is not despised, because people often think that this is the proper taste of high-quality grape wine, just as people are willing to drink bitter medicine when they are ill and think that bitter medicine is effective, Pain and happiness when drinking bitter medicine. However, with the advent of the era of fast life, the slow production process products such as wine also began to dim in people's vision. The progress of wine brewing technology is imminent. Therefore, more advanced brewing equipment began to dominate the market. Stainless steel barrels and oak barrels began to battle in all aspects. Which is stronger or weaker, let me analyze it slowly.
The biggest feature of oak barrel wine making is that it can fully dissolve the tannins, vanillin and other compounds in the barrel into the wine, making the wine color more stable and mellow, and the taste more soft and smooth. However, the different shape and thickness of oak barrel can have different effects on the wine at the same time.
Although losing the "oak" flavor of oak barrel can not leave the taste of high-quality wine in the wine, some winemakers say that stainless steel barrel can retain the natural color and flavor of wine grapes, making the wine purer and lighter. At the same time, the good confidentiality of stainless steel barrel is no more difficult than oak barrel to control its oxidation rate. We can only control the contact degree between wine and oxygen from the thickness of oak barrel, but we can not fully realize free control, which increases the uncertainty of the quality of wine.
作為新時(shí)代發(fā)展的產(chǎn)物,可以說(shuō)不銹鋼酒桶也有其自身存在的意義。橡木桶不具備長(cháng)遠的使用期限,長(cháng)時(shí)間的使用不僅會(huì )使其失去原有的風(fēng)味,同時(shí)使用期間殘留在木縫中的污漬也會(huì )滋生各色細菌,反而降低葡萄酒口感,因此我們就需要不斷地進(jìn)行替換,這就大大增加了釀酒成本。不銹鋼桶的出現為我們帶來(lái)了各型各色的葡萄酒,讓我們接觸到大量不同風(fēng)格的葡萄酒,成為新世紀的發(fā)明之一。
As a product of the development of the new era, it can be said that stainless steel wine barrel also has its own significance. Oak barrels do not have long-term service life. Long-term use will not only lose their original flavor, but also breed various bacteria in the stains left in the wood cracks during use, which will reduce the taste of wine. Therefore, we need to constantly replace them, which greatly increases the brewing cost. The emergence of stainless steel barrel has brought us various types and colors of wine, exposed us to a large number of different styles of wine, and has become one of the excellent inventions in the new century.
Not only that, in front of the devastated earth, environmental problems are at stake. The use of stainless steel inner liner solid wood wine barrel is not only a saving of wood, but also a saving of water. Water saving is mainly reflected in its smooth material and easy cleaning, but also because its smooth material does not need to be cleaned frequently, reflecting its advantages of recycling.
比如這款黑曼羅釀造的P款干紅葡萄酒就是手工采摘后經(jīng)銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶釀造而成,由于黑曼羅獨有的特性,如果橡木桶釀造就會(huì )失去它原有的風(fēng)味,所以用不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶反倒能夠使黑曼羅葡萄酒更有口感。
For example, this p dry red wine brewed by heimanluo is brewed by hand after being picked in rusted steel liner solid wood barrel. Due to the unique characteristics of heimanluo, if brewed in oak barrel, it will lose its original flavor. Therefore, using stainless steel liner solid wood barrel can make heimanluo wine more palatable.
The wine often brewed in stainless steel inner liner solid wood barrel is lighter and fresh. It is not as mellow and rich as oak barrel, but it is especially suitable for novices.
Today's stainless steel tank solid wood wine barrel http://m.sdlngcjx.com/ That's all for knowledge sharing. Thank you for browsing. Please click the official website to view other details.
