

發(fā)布于:2022-01-18 21:01:27  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

, Shirley bucket
雪利酒的制作一般避免使用新橡木桶,Solera使用的大多數酒桶都已使用十年以上。這些酒桶在用于雪利酒之前已經(jīng)受葡萄酒的酒液影響了。通過(guò)各種陳釀方法,不同品種的雪利酒具有獨特的風(fēng)味。例如,oloroso與空氣接觸,有助于形成水果和堅果的味道;而Fino則通過(guò)一層酵母酒花來(lái)保護酒液受到受空氣的侵害,從而使雪利酒保持清爽和新鮮。佩德羅·西梅內斯(Pedro Ximenez,通常稱(chēng)作PX)是由葡萄干釀制而成的,葡萄在發(fā)酵前要放在陽(yáng)光下晾干。
Sherry production generally avoids the use of new oak barrels. Most barrels used by Solera have been used for more than ten years. These barrels were already affected by the liquor of the wine before they were used in sherry. Through various aging methods, different varieties of sherry have unique flavor. For example, the contact of Oloroso with air helps to form the taste of fruits and nuts; Fino protects the liquor from the air through a layer of yeast hops, so as to keep the sherry fresh and fresh. Pedro Ximenez (commonly known as PX) is brewed from raisins. Grapes should be dried in the sun before fermentation.
威士忌酒廠(chǎng)通常會(huì )購買(mǎi)歐洲的橡木桶,主要是西班牙的雪利桶。雪莉酒會(huì )浸入桶壁之中,這將對威士忌的味道和顏色產(chǎn)生巨大影響。用雪利桶陳釀出來(lái)的威士忌的風(fēng)味一般會(huì )包括:無(wú)花果、棗、葡萄干、堅果、櫻桃、肉桂、丁香、杏仁餅、姜、水果蛋糕等。
Whisky wineries usually buy European oak barrels, mainly Spanish Sherry barrels. Sherry will dip into the barrel wall, which will have a great impact on the taste and color of whisky. The flavors of Whisky Aged in sherry barrels generally include figs, dates, raisins, nuts, cherries, cinnamon, cloves, almond cakes, ginger, fruit cakes, etc.
2. Bourbon barrel
波本威士忌酒桶由美國白橡木制成。美國的波本威士忌都是在新白橡木桶中熟化的。在添加波本威士忌之前,這些桶都要經(jīng)過(guò)烘烤和炭化處理。此外,波本威士忌的ABV含量會(huì )影響桶的味道,ABV越高,對木桶的影響越大。基本上,較高的酒精含量會(huì )削弱酒桶烘烤和燒焦的特征強度,那用這些酒桶釀造的下一批威士忌能夠得到的烘烤和焦炭的風(fēng)味就會(huì )非常少了。
Bourbon barrels are made of American white oak. American Bourbon is matured in new white oak barrels. These barrels are baked and charred before adding Bourbon Whisky. In addition, the abv content of Bourbon Whisky will affect the taste of the barrel. The higher the abv, the greater the impact on the barrel. Basically, higher alcohol content will weaken the characteristic strength of barrel baking and charring, and the next batch of whisky brewed from these barrels will get very little baking and coke flavor.
After the Scotch whisky is matured in the front Bourbon Whisky barrel for a period of time, the winemaker mixes all kinds of barrels of whisky together. The whisky liquor aged in the front Bourbon barrel usually has golden characteristics. Flavors generally include coconut, vanilla, honey, caramel, oak, leather, nutmeg, almond, cream sugar, etc.
3. Porter bucket
波特有幾種類(lèi)型,每種都有其獨特的風(fēng)格。茶色波特(Tawny port)的顏色為金黃色,主要在較舊的木桶中熟化,輕度氧化。茶色波特酒可以在橡木桶中陳放長(cháng)達40年,而年份波特酒在桶中只需要熟化23年。紅寶石波特主要是在鋼制罐中成熟,以避免氧化,因此前紅寶石港口的木桶很少見(jiàn)。
There are several types of Potter, each with its own unique style. Tawny port is golden in color, mainly matured in older wooden barrels and slightly oxidized. Tan port can be aged in oak barrels for up to 40 years, while Vintage Port only needs to mature in barrels for 2 to 3 years. Ruby Porter is mainly matured in steel tanks to avoid oxidation, so wooden barrels in the former ruby port are rare.
在桶中的陳釀會(huì )增加威士忌的柔和度和果味,風(fēng)味會(huì )有所不同,具體取決于先前在酒桶中陳年的酒的類(lèi)型。用前波特酒桶陳釀的威士忌一般會(huì )呈現出的風(fēng)味包括:李子、黑莓、提子干、紅漿果、蘋(píng)果干、橡木、酸果蔓、黑巧克力等。
Aging in the barrel will increase the softness and fruitiness of the whisky, and the flavor will vary, depending on the type of wine previously aged in the barrel. Whisky Aged in pre Porter barrels generally presents flavors including plum, blackberry, dried raisins, red berries, dried apples, oak, cranberry, dark chocolate, etc.
4. Ice wine barrel
So far, there are very few whiskies aged in ice barrels, but the flavor is very unique. For example, Glenfiddich's winter storm is aged in the former ice wine barrel, which I especially like. The sweet taste of ice wine subtly penetrates into whisky, which is still very attractive. For example, Glenfiddich's white storm was completed in the front ice barrel before bottling.
5. Rum barrel
用朗姆酒的酒桶陳釀威士忌,近年來(lái)非常流行。難怪,因為這些酒桶給威士忌添加了甜美的熱帶香氣,而且往往很容易獲取到這些風(fēng)味。朗姆酒的酒桶由美國橡木制成。朗姆酒種類(lèi)繁多,因此每種朗姆酒都會(huì )對酒液產(chǎn)生獨特的影響。朗姆酒桶制成的威士忌也為雞尾酒制作增色不少。
Whisky Aged in rum barrels has become very popular in recent years. No wonder, because these barrels add sweet tropical aroma to whisky, and these flavors are often easy to obtain. The barrels of rum are made of American oak. There are many kinds of rum, so each kind of rum will have a unique impact on the liquor. Whisky made from rum barrels also adds color to cocktail making.
The flavor characteristics of Whisky Aged in rum barrel mainly include vanilla, tropical fruit, apricot, caramel, cinnamon, mature banana, pepper, molasses, etc.
6. Cognac bucket
The barrels of cognac brandy are made of French oak. These barrels will bring rich and subtle fruit flavor to whisky. The barrel of cognac brandy is often very old, because brandy can age to 50 years. The flavor characteristics of Whisky Aged in cognac barrels usually include raisin, licorice, oak, fruit, nuts, caramel, etc. However, Whisky Aged in pre cognac barrels is rare. This Yabo (Abbe) is aged in this barrel.
7. Wine barrel
These barrels are usually made of French oak. Both red wine barrels and white wine barrels can be used to age whisky, although this is not so common, and these bottles are often limited edition. The range of flavors varies from grape variety to grape variety. Some wines are spicy and mellow, while others are lighter and more fruity. White wine can bring out butter like texture and grass flavor.
The style characteristics of Whisky Aged in the front wine barrel mainly include: red berries, cherries, plums, bread, caramel, green apples, pears, butter, etc.
通過(guò)選用不同類(lèi)型和不同尺寸的酒桶,釀酒師可以創(chuàng )造出不同風(fēng)味的威士忌。他們可以使用一系列相同的酒桶,例如,不同的前波本威士忌酒,或混合和搭配從波本桶到朗姆桶的各種酒桶類(lèi)型。不過(guò),以原桶強度裝瓶、不經(jīng)過(guò)冷濾、人工填色或其他干擾,盡量以原始面貌呈現給人們,可能是很多威士忌釀酒師的追求。
By selecting different types and sizes of barrels, winemakers can create whisky with different flavors. They can use a series of the same barrels, for example, different pre Bourbon whiskies, or mix and match various barrel types from Bourbon to rum. However, it may be the pursuit of many whisky winemakers to bottle with the strength of the original barrel, without cold filtration, artificial coloring or other interference, and try to present the original appearance to people.
知道了這些以后,對于威士忌酒標上的Single Cask單桶、Double Cask雙桶、Triple Cask三桶的術(shù)語(yǔ)就很容易理解了。
After knowing these, it is easy to understand the terms of Single Cask, double cask and triple cask on the label of whisky.
單桶威士忌(Single Cask/Barrel),指的是瓶?jì)鹊耐考墒莵?lái)自單一橡木桶。因為即便是同樣的蒸餾批次、木桶類(lèi)型、入桶時(shí)間和時(shí)長(cháng),但是,如果不是出自同一個(gè)橡木桶,所釀出來(lái)的威士忌的風(fēng)味依然是不同的。也就是說(shuō),單桶威士忌強調的是風(fēng)格和口感的獨特性。
Single Cask / barrel refers to that the whisky in the bottle comes from a single oak barrel. Because even if it is the same distillation batch, barrel type, barrel entry time and time, the flavor of whisky is still different if it is not from the same oak barrel. In other words, single barrel whisky emphasizes the uniqueness of style and taste.
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