

發(fā)布于:2022-03-08 11:38:45  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

自動(dòng)售酒機現在已經(jīng)是開(kāi)始在一些地方逐漸的普及開(kāi)來(lái),那么很多的人會(huì )有疑惑相比于傳統銷(xiāo)售的方式它擁有哪一些的優(yōu)勢呢,今天我們來(lái)看看它是如何贏(yíng)過(guò)傳統銷(xiāo)售的吧。
Automatic wine vending machine has been gradually popularized in some places, so many people will wonder what advantages it has compared with traditional sales. Today, let's see how it has won traditional sales.
很多人會(huì )想新的售酒方式剛開(kāi)始是不是就會(huì )大量的應力盈利,其實(shí)并不是的剛開(kāi)始我們所需要做的是吸引更多的客流,而且在這個(gè)過(guò)程當中是需要更好的提高 用戶(hù)價(jià)值、用戶(hù)體驗,而這一些都是會(huì )給以后的使用帶來(lái)更多的優(yōu)勢。
Many people will wonder whether the new way of selling wine will make a lot of stress profits at the beginning. In fact, it is not. At the beginning, what we need to do is to attract more passenger flow, and in this process, we need to better improve user value and user experience, which will bring more advantages to future use.
However, compared with the traditional way, the cost of this way in logistics and store labor is almost negligible.
Although community convenience also operates 24 hours a day, and its convenience reflects the speed of customer service, its expenditure costs in competition, labor, shops and so on are also very high.
In addition, there are even many e-commerce companies that can deliver in one hour, but the transportation cost is also very high, and the cost of using this automatic wine vending machine is zero.
所以說(shuō)因為其他零售的方式在各個(gè)方面的成本都是非常高的,所以等到消費者在購買(mǎi)的時(shí)候自然也是會(huì )高出一部分的,而使用這一種方式在成本方面的支出是會(huì )更低一些而且還可以其店鋪進(jìn)行合作,所以等到消費者購買(mǎi)的時(shí)候通常都是會(huì )低一部分的。
Therefore, because the cost of other retail methods is very high in all aspects, the price will naturally be higher when consumers buy, and the cost of using this method will be lower, and its stores can cooperate, so the price will usually be lower when consumers buy.
Automatic wine vending machine can win the traditional retail because its passenger flow source is different, and it is more convenient than the traditional retail.
Automatic wine vending machine is a way different from many traditional ways of selling wine. This way of selling wine has become a different new retail way after combining with the Internet. Today, let's see the comparison of its advantages with other ways of selling wine.
1. This sales method belongs to the new retail method of F2C, and the mainstream ERP system and code scanning to buy wine are supported;
2、在下單的時(shí)候是可以采取掃碼+在線(xiàn)的方式,并且是會(huì )使用取貨碼自助的進(jìn)行操作同時(shí)會(huì )結合著(zhù)人工智能交互進(jìn)行,可以更好的實(shí)現24小時(shí)自行掃碼取酒、購買(mǎi);
2. When placing an order, you can scan the code + online, and will use the pick-up code for self-service operation. At the same time, it will be combined with artificial intelligence interaction, which can better realize 24-hour self scanning code for wine and purchase;
3. Moreover, if the technology is adjusted, it can support the winery customer service to communicate online. Through this way of online communication and consultation, more professional information can be obtained. At the same time, the automatic wine vending machine also ensures the quality of wine in terms of after-sales, so that consumers can drink wine with ease;
4、同時(shí)在使用的時(shí)候具有強大的運營(yíng)團隊,是會(huì )和的人工智能技術(shù)團隊進(jìn)行深度的合作,同時(shí)可以輔助代理商完成酒店、餐廳等在各種消費場(chǎng)所的接入工作;
4. At the same time, it has a strong operation team when using it. It will carry out in-depth cooperation with the professional artificial intelligence technology team, and can assist the agent to complete the access of hotels, restaurants and other consumer places;
5. Moreover, in the way of docking wineries, resources are also very extensive. We can connect different wineries according to the requirements of different consumer groups across the country for different tastes of wine;
6、而且公司也是會(huì )提供有專(zhuān)門(mén)的地域保護政策,在同一個(gè)區域當中是不會(huì )出現二家相同代理商。
6. Moreover, the company will also provide special regional protection policies, and there will be no two same agents in the same region.
上面介紹的是自動(dòng)售酒機的使用優(yōu)勢對比,相比于其他的銷(xiāo)售方式使用設備在售酒的時(shí)候減少了許多店面人工的成本,而且目前因為使用的比較少所以在運營(yíng)等方面是會(huì )更加的簡(jiǎn)單。
The above describes the advantages of automatic wine vending machine. Compared with other sales methods, the use of equipment reduces the labor cost of many stores when selling wine, and at present, it will be simpler in operation because it is less used.
