

發(fā)布于:2022-04-16 19:03:16  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  About the brewing of wine equipment, want to make the equipment brewing high-quality wine for a long time, the timing of the equipment sterilization and disinfection is indispensable, but many know the way to equipment disinfection and sterilization. So how to sterilize and sterilize the automatic stubble machine?
  In fact, sterilization and disinfection of brewing equipment must be careful, not casually sterilization and disinfection, such equipment brewing wine quality and taste is very good. For wine manufacturers, it is also necessary to disinfect and sterilize equipment from time to time.
  About the brewing of wine manufacturers to produce the wine to sell well, in the process of wine production, in addition to the adoption of the correct production process, but also the correct and timely cleaning of equipment, and regular disinfection and sterilization. Only in this way can the quality and taste of wine be guaranteed, and the output of wine made by equipment be improved, so that the benefit of our winery is better.
  關(guān)于全自動(dòng)涼茬機來(lái)說(shuō),若清洗不完,設備內壁殘存的積垢和徽生物的繁衍會(huì )削弱劑的效果,酒中的各種物質(zhì)因為受靜電等要素效果,這些污物在設備內壁外表沉積,使設備外表變得粗糙,并給徽生物生長(cháng)供給了棲身之地。洗刷時(shí)要去除徽生物菌落,因為劑適于外表,對內部存活的細菌效果很小,容易形成再次污染。
  About automatic cold stubble machine, if don't finish cleaning sterilization, equipment inside the remaining sense and biological reproduction will weaken the effect of sterilization agent, various substances in wine because the static elements such as the effect, the dirt deposition on the inner wall of the equipment appearance, making equipment looks rough, and supply for badge biological growth place. When washing, it is necessary to remove the bacterial colonies, because the sterilizer is suitable for external sterilization, and the effect on the internal living bacteria is very small, and it is easy to form re-contamination.
  Therefore, wine manufacturers need to sterilize and sterilize equipment to ensure that the wine we produce is of high quality and there is no adulteration of any other sundry, so as to make our wine sales better and our profits continue to increase.
  If you do not know how to sterilize and sterilize, you can operate in accordance with the above methods, so as to help us brew better wine through the brewing equipment. Come to our website m.sdlngcjx.com for more information!
