

發(fā)布于:2022-04-24 23:24:30  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  實(shí)木酒桶現在使用率越來(lái)越高,生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家也很多,但是用戶(hù)在購買(mǎi)的時(shí)候會(huì )出現很多的誤區,給我們帶來(lái)了很多的不便,所有在采購實(shí)木酒桶時(shí)需要知道幾個(gè)要點(diǎn)才行。
  Solid wood barrels now more and more high utilization rate, manufacturers are also a lot of, but the user will appear a lot of mistakes when buying, bring us a lot of inconvenience, all in the purchase of solid wood barrels need to know a few points.
  Barrel is a traditional wine-making tool, which can improve the wine taste, among which the aroma of solid wood can enhance the wine taste. Different from the use of wine barrels, the substance in solid wood chips is the same as that in wine barrels, and bile wine can breathe oxygen through the wall of the barrel, which is not available in solid wood chips. In the aging process, it is recommended to use wine barrels, and solid wood chips play an auxiliary role.
  隨著(zhù)時(shí)間的流逝,酒中的芳香物越來(lái)越少,桶壁的香氣會(huì )逐漸減少,舊酒桶易受到不利微生物的污染,其有效成分也會(huì )減少。使用后期可以加入實(shí)木片,以增加酒桶的有效成分。當酒桶使用到一定年齡后,一定要及時(shí)更換。
  As time passes, the aromas in the wine diminish, the aroma of the barrel walls diminishes, and old casks become susceptible to contamination by unfavourable microorganisms, reducing their active ingredients. After use, solid wood chips can be added to increase the effective ingredients in the cask. When the cask used to a certain age, must be replaced in time.
  Because of the high cost of casks, some enterprises want to be in place in one step when the winery is new, stainless steel cask manufacturers think this is a wrong idea. Barrels should be purchased regularly, in small amounts and on a continuous basis. According to the annual winemaking situation timely replacement. Choose the right cask. Self-brewing friends, the advice is to buy different sizes of barrels, according to the storage capacity of the barrel.
  采購實(shí)木酒桶要知道幾個(gè)要點(diǎn),以上便是內容了,如果您想購買(mǎi)酒桶使用就需要多去了解相關(guān)知識作為儲備,才不會(huì )輕易上當,可以來(lái)網(wǎng)站m.sdlngcjx.com資訊看看!
  Purchase solid wood barrels to know a few points, the above is the content, if you want to buy barrels to use you need to know more about the relevant professional knowledge as a reserve, it will not be easily fooled, you can come to the website m.sdlngcjx.com information to see!
