

發(fā)布于:2022-05-28 17:48:48  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

As a leader in the unattended retail industry, the unattended feature of the automatic liquor vending machine is favored by many people. Therefore, we can often see the presence of the machine in public places. Then, what are the key points to know in advance when launching the automatic liquor vending machine?
Point position
不同位置,會(huì )影響自動(dòng)售酒機的類(lèi)型。好的點(diǎn)位對售酒機來(lái)說(shuō)就等同于如魚(yú)得水,并且一個(gè)點(diǎn)位的屬性決定著(zhù)售酒機的款式。流量高的就如:機場(chǎng)、地鐵、學(xué)校、電影院、醫院等等,這些點(diǎn)位,可以擺放零食飲料機、鮮花機,在醫院,也可以嘗試擺放玩具販賣(mài)機。
Different locations will affect the type of automatic wine vending machine. A good point is like a duck to water for a wine vending machine, and the attribute of a point determines the style of the wine vending machine. Those with high traffic are airports, subways, schools, cinemas, hospitals, etc. at these points, snack machines and flower machines can be placed. In hospitals, toy vending machines can also be placed.
Population characteristics
Before launching the vending machine, we need to know the crowd characteristics of the place in advance, such as white-collar workers, children, the elderly, middle-aged people, which type of people are more common, and the proportion of men and women.
Sell relevant goods according to the attribute characteristics of the place. For example, more dairy products can be placed in primary and secondary schools, more snacks and beverages can be placed in factories, and more nursing supplies can be placed in hospitals.
Select the corresponding machine according to the type of goods sold. For example, if you plan to sell snacks and beverages, you can choose a wine machine. If you plan to sell adult supplies and dolls, you can choose a smart lattice cabinet. If you plan to sell wine, fresh food and fruit, you can choose a lift wine machine.
What are the advantages of having a machine that sells alcohol automatically? If you are a bar, KTV, or even a restaurant, we all know that the profit of liquor is very high. The liquor vending machine sells alcoholic beverages through scene marketing. Users can increase the volume of liquor after drinking. In fact, it indirectly increases the sales of your liquor. This invisible profit is the pain point of the store.
售酒機賣(mài)的白酒是否會(huì )跟自釀酒一樣,產(chǎn)生變質(zhì)?發(fā)酵跟變質(zhì)本質(zhì)是一樣的,后果卻差很多。前者有益,后者致命。你不是這行業(yè)的,不建議折騰,畢竟人命關(guān)天。
Will the Baijiu sold by the liquor vending machine deteriorate like the self brewing? Fermentation and metamorphism are the same in nature, but the consequences are much worse. The former is beneficial, while the latter is fatal. You are not in this industry. You are not recommended to toss about. After all, human life is vital.
Is the sealing good? It has the functions of high efficiency and energy saving, fast and time saving, less wine loss, computer control, preset timing, automatic odor removal, etc., so that the wine is clean and honest, and the taste is comfortable.
自動(dòng)售酒機性能穩定,操作簡(jiǎn)單,適用每個(gè)愛(ài)喝酒的家庭,簡(jiǎn)潔、簡(jiǎn)單、快速、省時(shí)、酒份損失少等是本產(chǎn)品的很大特點(diǎn)。售酒機投放的注意點(diǎn)有很多,并且根據地區的不同,也會(huì )導致結果有些許不同。更多相關(guān)內容就來(lái)網(wǎng)站m.sdlngcjx.com咨詢(xún)看看吧!
The automatic wine vending machine has stable performance and simple operation. It is suitable for every family who likes drinking. It is concise, simple, fast, time-saving, and has less alcohol loss. There are a lot of points to pay attention to when putting the wine vending machine, and the results will be slightly different according to different regions. For more information, please visit www.qfrtrq Consult www. 68mn!
