

發(fā)布于:2022-08-23 19:28:30  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

At present, we are used to vending machines. Practitioners in the wine industry are also trying new sales methods. Intelligent wine vending machines have attracted more attention. Since the automatic liquor vending machine adopts the lifting mode, the liquor can be placed as long as it is a normal liquor that can stand stably.
The essence of new retail is the reconstruction of the relationship between people, goods and market. Online and offline are closely related, with complementary advantages and win-win cooperation.
Online channels make up for their own experience by embracing offline physical stores. At present, consumers' purchasing mode is more and more inclined to the new retail mode.
?? As an unattended self-service wine selling machine, the automatic wine selling machine has attracted the attention of some wine operators since its debut. Perhaps in bars and hotels, people have become accustomed to automatic wine vending machines. In addition to these bars and hotels, what channels are suitable for launching automatic wine vending machines?
鄉村:在鄉村有生活過(guò)的人知道,有時(shí)候村內有出現紅白喜事,就會(huì )看到有許多人聚集在一處辦宴會(huì ),然后現場(chǎng)有幾位大廚可能會(huì )露天作業(yè),一桌桌的人圍坐一起,吃喝聊天。
Village: people who have lived in the village know that sometimes there are red and white wedding events in the village, they will see many people gathered together to hold a banquet, and then several chefs may work in the open air. People at one table sit around, eat, drink and chat.
而了解自動(dòng)售酒機的人,可以找辦理宴會(huì )的負責人/大廚進(jìn)行談話(huà)、合作。如果對方同意,自動(dòng)售酒機就可以在每次辦宴會(huì )的時(shí)候出現在人們的餐桌附近,然后可以把自動(dòng)售酒機所售賣(mài)的酒類(lèi)調整為符合該場(chǎng)景的酒水需求。
Those who know about the automatic wine vending machine can talk and cooperate with the person in charge of the banquet / chef. If the other party agrees, the automatic wine vending machine can appear near people's table every time a banquet is held, and then the wine sold by the automatic wine vending machine can be adjusted to meet the wine demand of the scene.
城市:在城市,有錢(qián)人、生意人、企業(yè)高管人員會(huì )定期舉辦年會(huì )、沙龍,屆時(shí)會(huì )看到許許多多的人來(lái)回往返,這邊吃吃,那邊喝喝。
Cities: in cities, rich people, businessmen and enterprise executives will regularly hold annual meetings and salons. At that time, we will see many people going back and forth, eating here and drinking there.
所以容易導致食物酒水會(huì )供不應求,而如果自動(dòng)售酒機在這種場(chǎng)景中售賣(mài)白酒、紅酒、香檳、洋酒等,不僅了這一窘境,還給這里的人們提供方便和更多選擇的余地。
Therefore, it is easy to lead to food and drink in short supply. If the automatic wine vending machine sells Baijiu, red wine, champagne, foreign wine, etc. in this scenario, it will not only solve this dilemma, but also provide convenience and more choices for people here.
What is the wine vending machine derived from the vending machine industry? The above is the relevant answer to the question. If you have any questions about this, please come here http://m.sdlngcjx.com consulting service
