

發(fā)布于:2022-09-20 15:44:36  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

自動(dòng)售酒機相比于其他的銷(xiāo)售方式使用設備在售酒的時(shí)候減少了許多店面人工的成本,而且目前因為使用的比較少所以在運營(yíng)等方面是會(huì )更加的簡(jiǎn)單。那么您知道如何使自動(dòng)售酒機更省電嗎?下面小編為您講解下。
Compared with other sales methods, the automatic liquor vending machine reduces the labor cost of many stores when using the equipment to sell liquor. At present, because it is used less, it will be simpler in operation and other aspects. Do you know how to make the vending machine more power efficient? The following section will explain it to you.
1. If there are not many things to keep, you can place a slightly large saline drink bottle in the automatic wine vending machine to balance the temperature difference inside the cabinet, reduce the number of times the compressor is switched on and off, and extend the service life of the compressor.
2. The condenser of the automatic liquor vending machine is generally under the steel plate of the cabinet. The cabinet should be placed in a well ventilated place. The dust outside the cabinet should be wiped in time to improve the condensation effect of the condenser, so as to improve the refrigeration effect and save electricity. After the refrigerator and fresh-keeping box are used for a long time, the inner liner of the automatic wine vending machine is easy to frost, and the refrigerator is often defrosted (about 7 days) to improve the freezing effect.
3. The fin type condenser of the automatic wine vending machine is cleaned with a brush every other month to improve the heat dissipation effect.
4. When the automatic liquor vending machine is open, do not directly blow the fan and air conditioner. Night should be closed during non business hours.
制冷自動(dòng)售酒機內部的溫度可以由運營(yíng)商來(lái)設置,運營(yíng)商可以根據當地天氣、冷柜存貨等因素來(lái)具體設置。雖然這些自動(dòng)售酒機都有完整的制冷系統,同時(shí)采用了隔熱材料來(lái)進(jìn)行保溫,但是還是存在一定的熱傳導,自動(dòng)售酒機貨道內部的溫度會(huì )有時(shí)起伏,達到閾值后,制冷機就會(huì )停止工作,高于商家預設,制冷機就會(huì )進(jìn)行制冷同時(shí)產(chǎn)生大量的熱能。
The temperature inside the refrigeration vending machine can be set by the operator according to local weather, freezer inventory and other factors. Although these vending machines all have complete refrigeration systems and heat insulation materials are used for heat preservation, there is still a certain amount of heat conduction. The temperature inside the vending machine aisle will fluctuate sometimes. When the threshold value is reached, the chiller will stop working. If the value is higher than the preset value of the business, the chiller will perform refrigeration and generate a large amount of heat energy.
這些熱能會(huì )通過(guò)空氣傳播到外部,所以自動(dòng)售酒機應當放在陰涼、通風(fēng)好的地方。工作久后,冰柜內部就會(huì )結冰,同時(shí)制冷機扇葉會(huì )吸附大量的灰塵的。所以定期檢查清洗冰柜,擦除制冷機扇葉上面的灰塵,可以提高制冷機的制冷效果,也就能減少消耗的電量,降低運營(yíng)成本。
These heat energy will be transmitted to the outside through the air, so the vending machine should be placed in a cool, well ventilated place. After working for a long time, ice will form inside the freezer, and the fan blades of the refrigerator will absorb a lot of dust. Therefore, regular inspection and cleaning of the freezer and removal of dust on the fan blades of the refrigerator can improve the refrigeration effect of the refrigerator, reduce the power consumption and reduce the operating cost.
How to make the automatic wine vending machine more power saving? The above is the relevant answer to the question. You can use it as a reference. More relevant content will come to our website http://m.sdlngcjx.com Consult!
