

發(fā)布于:2022-10-20 14:30:19  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

Different vending machines have different principles, which are roughly as follows:
Static identification. There are many cameras in this wine vending machine, and they are on each floor. After entering the shape, color, price and other information of the goods in advance, when the user takes the goods, the image returned by the camera determines what the customer takes. After the user closes the door, the system deducts the corresponding money through the associated account.
這種辨認技術(shù)有兩個(gè)比擬大的缺陷,一是所需攝像頭較多,而且每層都需求,層間距還不能太小,不然會(huì )影響圖像采集,因而空間應用率比擬低,二是圖像辨認不太準確,一旦商品互相遮擋,或是兩件商品外形太過(guò)類(lèi)似,系統便不能辨認或辨別。
This identification technology has two relatively large defects. First, there are many cameras required, and each layer is required. The layer spacing cannot be too small, otherwise it will affect the image acquisition, so the spatial application rate is relatively low. Second, the image identification is not very accurate. Once the goods block each other, or the two goods are too similar in appearance, the system will not be able to identify or distinguish.
Dynamic identification. The camera collects the customer's picking process in real time to determine what the customer is taking. Compared with static identification, this technology requires fewer cameras, and does not need to detect all goods. It only needs to look at the goods that customers have taken or put back. There are fewer cameras and they are usually located on the door, so the space application rate is high.
重力辨認。這種售酒機在每層都有電子秤,提早錄入每種商品的重量,然后經(jīng)過(guò)比對顧客購置前后重量的變化,從而判別顧客買(mǎi)的是什么,這種計劃弊端明顯,先就是無(wú)法判別重量十分相近的商品,另外假如商品傾斜或者自動(dòng)售酒機傾斜,或者商品互相依托,就會(huì )影響重力感應,從而影響系統對顧客所取商品的判別。
Gravity identification. This wine vending machine has an electronic scale on each floor. The weight of each commodity is entered in advance, and then the weight changes before and after the purchase are compared to determine what the customer bought. This plan has obvious disadvantages. First, it is impossible to identify goods with very similar weights. In addition, if the goods tilt or the automatic wine vending machine tilt, or the goods rely on each other, gravity sensing will be affected, This will affect the system's judgment of the goods taken by customers.
RFID計劃。即射頻辨認技術(shù)(RadioFrequencyIdentification)。原理為閱讀器與標簽之間停止非接觸式的數據通訊,到達辨認目的的目的。就是在每個(gè)商品上貼一個(gè)電子標簽,當顧客取走商品后,售酒機就會(huì )感應到,從而判別顧客買(mǎi)的是什么。
RFID program. Radio Frequency Identification. The principle is to stop the non-contact data communication between the reader and the tag to achieve the purpose of identification. It is to attach an electronic label on each product. When the customer takes the product, the wine vending machine will sense it, so as to judge what the customer is buying.
This plan is relatively mature, but its disadvantages are obvious. First, electronic labels are easy to be shielded or damaged, and secondly, electronic labels need their own costs, so the operating costs are relatively high. In addition, compared with static or dynamic identification technologies, the technical content of this plan is low, and it is difficult to constitute a technical barrier.
From what has been explained above, we still rely on several technologies. Of course, if the wine vending machine breaks down, we should stick to the bottom line and not take things randomly! Follow us http://m.sdlngcjx.com Bring you more information!
