

發(fā)布于:2022-11-26 12:02:58  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

The stainless steel lined solid wood wine barrel is very durable and has a long service life. In the long run, the application of stainless steel lined solid wood wine barrel is very economical and affordable, and it is also very convenient to use, with good storage and fresh-keeping functions. This is also the main reason why the product is very popular in the market.
The advantages of stainless steel lined solid wood barrel mainly include:
實(shí)木酒桶非常的經(jīng)久耐用,大家應該也知道,不銹鋼材質(zhì)非常的耐磨,而且具有很好的耐腐蝕能力,可以用的時(shí)間會(huì )更長(cháng),性?xún)r(jià)比還是非常的高的。
Solid wood barrel is very durable. As you should know, stainless steel is very wear-resistant and has good corrosion resistance. It can be used for a longer time and has a very high cost performance.
The stainless steel lined solid wood wine barrel not only has the refrigeration function, but also can be transported and stored in the high warehouse. The barrel can be directly used together with the draft beer filling machine, and its mechanical properties should have the characteristics of collision resistance, compression resistance and stable yard height.
Stainless steel lined solid wood wine barrels are very popular. Plastic solid wood wine barrels used by people in the past have the refrigeration function, but their shape is not conducive to the stacking height, and can not be directly used with the manufacturer's draft beer filling line. Too high during transportation is easy to fall and damage the can body.
如果有什么樣的疑問(wèn),可以隨時(shí)的聯(lián)系我們。我們會(huì )有一個(gè)更,更清晰的了解。這樣是對大家在選擇上是有幫助的。我們http://m.sdlngcjx.com非常的期待能和大家進(jìn)行合作。
If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time. We will have a more comprehensive and clear understanding. This is helpful for everyone in their choice. We http://m.sdlngcjx.com I look forward to cooperating with you.
