

發(fā)布于:2023-01-14 11:43:19  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

It has been several years since the vending machine came out. The brands are not much, not much. The selection of wine vending machines can be observed from many aspects, but we buy wine vending machines for commercial purposes. Therefore, we focus on observing whether the software and hardware functions of wine vending machines are complete, how the product quality is, and the follow-up service support.
For intelligent vending machines for commercial purposes, the core is software and hardware functions. A complete vending machine needs a rich background management system, electronic reconciliation, distribution management, and intelligent data analysis system. Excellent vending machines can provide marketing decisions. AI AI has played an important role in many industries, In the intelligent vending machine industry, even if you don't want to use it now, you should prepare for better development in the future.
The system has many points to say, and is also relatively focused. It may be difficult for the first purchase. However, in the current environment, 95% of the sales management process for purchasing intelligent automatic wine vending machines can be solved online. A mobile phone management wine vending machine platform is not a dream, and excellent wine vending machines can be realized.
產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量也是重要一點(diǎn),質(zhì)量差了,掃碼不出酒,會(huì )嚴重影響消費者的購酒體驗。還有一點(diǎn)關(guān)注自動(dòng)售酒機的充電情況,是否正確顯示電量,避免電量用完,無(wú)法及時(shí)充電,影響自動(dòng)售酒機正常使用數量。
The product quality is also important. Poor quality will seriously affect the wine purchasing experience of consumers. Another point is to pay attention to the charging condition of the vending machine, and check whether the power is displayed correctly to avoid running out of power and failing to charge in time, which will affect the normal use of the vending machine.
對于智能產(chǎn)品免不了會(huì )更不上新產(chǎn)品,一臺自動(dòng)售酒機使用時(shí)長(cháng)兩三年左右,在這期間如果廠(chǎng)家能夠經(jīng)常更新系統,優(yōu)化軟件,那么和其他產(chǎn)品的差距并不是很大,可以大發(fā)揮自動(dòng)售酒機的價(jià)值。您有相關(guān)需求可以隨時(shí)來(lái)聯(lián)系我們http://m.sdlngcjx.com了解!
For intelligent products, it is inevitable that new products will not be available. A vending machine will last for about two or three years. During this period, if the manufacturer can update the system and optimize the software frequently, the gap with other products is not very large, and the value of vending machines can be fully played. You can contact us at any time if you have relevant requirements http://m.sdlngcjx.com Understand!
