

發(fā)布于:2023-01-28 19:47:32  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

Generally, Baijiu on the market is packaged in whole bottles, which can not be purchased on demand. Some people with lower alcohol consumption are afraid of waste and want to be addicted to alcohol. Therefore, the liquor vending machine has become a blessing for these "drinkers", who can drink as much as they want and buy as much as they want. From the perspective of business logic, the products of the winery can be directly supplied to consumers through relevant equipment, which not only satisfies consumers, but also promotes the business development of the winery and its partners.
Question algorithm
國內白酒種類(lèi)繁多,白酒不僅分低度、高度,同時(shí)白酒依據香型還分醬香、濃香、清香等多個(gè)種類(lèi),因此不同白酒間往往存在著(zhù)密度差。自動(dòng)售酒機和一般售水方式不同的是,自動(dòng)售酒機需要有與所銷(xiāo)售的酒相匹配的算法才能精準控制出貨量。如果算法不對,很有可能消費者點(diǎn)了一定量的酒,出來(lái)的酒量卻存在偏差。而一旦出現類(lèi)似問(wèn)題,一方面不僅會(huì )導致消費不滿(mǎn)意投訴,一方面也會(huì )招致市場(chǎng)監管部門(mén)處罰。現今短斤缺兩在今天的誠信社會(huì )可不是小問(wèn)題!
There are many kinds of Baijiu in China. Baijiu can be divided into low alcohol and high alcohol. At the same time, Baijiu can also be divided into Maotai flavor, Luzhou flavor, light flavor and other types according to flavor type, so there is often a density difference between different Baijiu. The difference between the automatic wine vending machine and the general water selling method is that the automatic wine vending machine needs an algorithm matching with the wine sold to accurately control the shipment volume. If the algorithm is wrong, it is very likely that the consumer ordered a certain amount of wine, but the amount of wine produced has a deviation. Once a similar problem occurs, on the one hand, it will not only lead to complaints of consumer dissatisfaction, but also lead to punishment by the market supervision department. Today's short weight is not a small problem in today's honest society!
Quality control
白酒進(jìn)入自動(dòng)售酒機后處在一個(gè)相對開(kāi)放的環(huán)境內,大家都知道白酒由于存儲環(huán)境變化可能會(huì )發(fā)生一些變化。一些白酒因為這些變化可能導致酒質(zhì)變化,如因酒精揮發(fā)導致的酒精度變化,香味物質(zhì)散發(fā)導致的香味變化等等。一旦發(fā)生變化,就容易導致原來(lái)好喝的酒變的不好喝了,因此在采購相關(guān)的設備的時(shí)候一定要詢(xún)問(wèn)廠(chǎng)家是否有相關(guān)的酒質(zhì)控制技術(shù)。
After Baijiu enters the automatic liquor vending machine, it is in a relatively open environment. Everyone knows that Baijiu may change due to changes in the storage environment. These changes may lead to changes in the quality of some Baijiu, such as changes in alcohol content caused by alcohol volatilization, and changes in flavor caused by aroma substances. Once changes occur, it is easy to cause the original good wine to become bad. Therefore, when purchasing relevant equipment, the manufacturer must be asked if there is any relevant wine quality control technology.
Ask the source
由于銷(xiāo)售方式是分散銷(xiāo)售,因此白酒售酒機重要的一個(gè)問(wèn)題是還要做好酒的溯源工作。不能讓居心不良者有做手腳的空間。成熟的自動(dòng)售酒機一般會(huì )配有完善的追溯系統,消費者只需要簡(jiǎn)單掃碼,就可以知道酒的產(chǎn)區、年份、產(chǎn)地和廠(chǎng)商。
As the sales mode is decentralized, an important issue of Baijiu vending machine is to do a good job of traceability of liquor. It is not allowed to let the ill - intentioned have room to do things. Mature vending machines are generally equipped with a complete traceability system. Consumers can know the wine production area, year, origin and manufacturer by simply scanning the code.
除此外,設備設計商還會(huì )設計防回灌技術(shù),酒一旦裝上機器,除非內部專(zhuān)門(mén)的人員操作,否則設備將無(wú)法實(shí)現盛酒容器和售酒機的分離。只有這樣做才能防止一些居心不良的人以次充好,或是勾兌謀利。有什么問(wèn)題就來(lái)我們網(wǎng)站http://m.sdlngcjx.com咨詢(xún)吧!
In addition, the equipment designer will also design anti-refilling technology. Once the wine is loaded into the machine, the equipment will not be able to separate the wine container from the wine vending machine unless it is operated by special personnel inside. Only in this way can we prevent some ill - intentioned people from selling inferior products as good ones or making profits through collusion. Come to our website if you have any questions http://m.sdlngcjx.com Ask!
