

發(fā)布于:2019-02-28 16:13:20  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

Water is very important for wine. Water is also an indispensable component of wine. It runs through the whole wine-making process from beginning to end. Therefore, the quality of water directly affects the quality of wine.
在白酒釀制的整個(gè)進(jìn)程中,水充當了好幾個(gè)角色冷卻用水、鍋爐用水、釀制用水和降度用水,這幾種需求水的當地對水質(zhì)的要求也是越來(lái)越嚴 格,規范越高品質(zhì)越好,消費者越定心。
In the whole process of liquor brewing, water acts as several roles of cooling water, boiler water, brewing water and degrading water. These local requirements for water quality are becoming stricter and stricter. The higher the standard, the better the quality, the more determined consumers are.
As far as brewing water is concerned, the most important is brewing water and degrading hook to transfer water. Because it is imported, water needs to be chosen with extra caution. Next, what are the benefits and effects of these two types of water on the wine-making process?
1、關(guān)于釀制用水,這類(lèi)水中含有多種成分,都直接或間接與有好處的微生物生長(cháng)、酶的構成以及發(fā)酵進(jìn)程終究成酒的質(zhì)量度有著(zhù)密切關(guān)系。而假如水質(zhì)欠好,則會(huì )對以上的各類(lèi)作用形成不良的影響,持續下去將影響香味物質(zhì)的生成,還會(huì )形成酒的苦澀,乃還會(huì )呈現異味、變色、有沉淀物等不良現象。
1. With regard to brewing water, there are many components in this kind of water, which are directly or indirectly related to beneficial microbial growth, enzymatic composition and the quality of fermentation process to the final liquor. If the water quality is not good, it will have a negative impact on the above various functions. If it continues, it will affect the formation of aroma substances. It will also form the bitterness and astringency of wine, and even present bad phenomena such as peculiar smell, discoloration, sediment and so on.
2. Liquor degrading water, i.e. water used when the demand for high-grade liquor is reduced to low-grade liquor, has a professional term in liquor-making technology, called "pulping", which is also a necessary process for the production of low-grade liquor. There are some requirements for using degraded water as follows:
(1) Such hydrophysical characteristics must be colorless and transparent.
(2) No excessive organic matter and iron ions.
(3) The taste is refreshing, not salty, bitter or even astringent.
(4) No odor can be used.
(5) Other requirements: including PH, acidity, alkalinity, chlorine content in water and so on, have a great impact on wine-making.
所以酒廠(chǎng)的選址需求在豐富的水資源處,水對釀酒而言可以占比百分之六十,當選擇的水是來(lái)自純凈的大自然,那么它所含有的各類(lèi)有益微生物則會(huì )對釀酒酒質(zhì)起到正面作用。
Therefore, the site selection needs of winery are in the abundant water resources, water can absolutely account for 60% of the winemaking. The selected water comes from pure nature, then it contains all kinds of beneficial microorganisms which will play a positive role in the quality of wine.
For example, the Chishui River water used in Maotai Town, with its unique temperature, climate and microbial community, allows you to enter Maotai Town from far to near with more and more strong liquor aroma, refreshing.
However, in your opinion, pure and high quality water resources can not be used directly, but need further purification treatment before they can be used eventually.
就像家家戶(hù)戶(hù)都有的自來(lái)水,都需求經(jīng)過(guò)澄凈、、等各類(lèi)凈化措施,使水到達一定的規范,后才會(huì )輸送到千家萬(wàn)戶(hù)運用。
Just like the tap water that every household has, it needs to be purified, sterilized, disinfected and other purification measures, so that the water reaches a certain standard, and finally it will be transported to millions of households for use.
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