

發(fā)布于:2023-05-16 10:02:14  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

Everyone spends less money on drinking better wine
To do a good job in marketing, the primary consideration is the pursuit of user consumption habits: convenience and speed, good quality at a reasonable price, good experience, and thoughtful service. However, the traditional Baijiu has many problems, such as too many intermediate circulation links, excessive packaging, high prices, adulteration of fake liquor, and it is difficult to solve them. The automatic liquor vending machine adopts the new retail business model of operating Internet plus+, empowers the distillery, establishes the industrial chain of factory to warehouse and warehouse to point, makes the channel more flat, directly links the distillery and end consumers, saves a lot of intermediate links, does not let consumers pay for the packaging, and everyone can spend less money to drink better wine.
Scan the QR code to purchase as needed, in line with user consumption habits
對于陌生的產(chǎn)品,一般人都會(huì )選擇先嘗試再決定是否要進(jìn)一步購買(mǎi),并且國內人的消費習慣會(huì )按照自身實(shí)際需求去買(mǎi),不喜歡鋪張浪費。特別是在外面喝酒,一時(shí)半會(huì )摸不準同桌人的酒量,買(mǎi)少了尷尬,買(mǎi)多了浪費。自動(dòng)售酒機采用自助手機支付方式,掃碼按毫升賣(mài),一兩也賣(mài),如此就能讓用戶(hù)自由選擇。而且,售酒機體積小巧,擺放位置靈活,體驗式的消費更是拉近了與用戶(hù)的距離,隨時(shí)隨心自助下單購買(mǎi)。
For unfamiliar products, most people choose to try first before deciding whether to make further purchases, and domestic consumers tend to buy according to their actual needs and do not like extravagance and waste. Especially when drinking outside, one may not be able to determine the capacity of their table mate for a while, resulting in embarrassment when buying less and waste when buying more. The automatic wine vending machine adopts a self-service mobile payment method, which scans the code and sells in milliliters. It also sells one or two, allowing users to freely choose. Moreover, the small size of the wine vending machine, flexible placement, and experiential consumption bring users closer together, allowing them to place orders and make purchases at any time.
RFID anti-counterfeiting technology to eliminate counterfeit alcohol
自動(dòng)售酒機采用了RFID技術(shù),讓每一壇酒出廠(chǎng)時(shí)均有專(zhuān)屬芯片ID,安裝后設備會(huì )自動(dòng)上鎖。由此,不僅確保了酒品的衛生性,確保一般人無(wú)法打開(kāi),避免了摻雜假酒的可能性,讓每一位消費者都能喝上親民的品質(zhì)好酒。
The automatic wine vending machine adopts RFID technology, allowing each jar of wine to have a dedicated chip ID when leaving the factory. After installation, the device will automatically lock. As a result, it not only ensures the hygiene and safety of the liquor, but also ensures that it cannot be opened by ordinary people, avoiding the possibility of adulterating fake liquor, and allowing every consumer to drink high-quality liquor at affordable prices.
System monitoring management, saving a lot of manpower and resources
Traditional liquor is opaque from the distillery to the terminal, and with the use of intelligent vending machines, every link from the distillery to consumers can be monitored and managed. For example, GPS real-time positioning, online/offline signal status, power on/off, battery reminder, wine jar surplus, daily sales flow, monthly sales summary, ledger data, etc. The process does not require repeated accounting and maintenance by dedicated personnel, saving a lot of manpower and material costs.
The automatic liquor vending machine was born based on the new retail of Baijiu. It is convenient for users to take liquor according to their needs by scanning the liquor code. The system divides accounts to solve the pain points of traditional liquor merchants' overstocking of goods and funds. The system is intelligent and time-saving. From this, it can be seen that the shared liquor vending machine market has a large space and broad prospects, and can fully withstand the test of the market. Feel free to inquire and contact us if you have any needs for this device http://m.sdlngcjx.com !
