

發(fā)布于:2023-06-29 16:33:23  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

Presumably, some friends who often go out for dinner should have encountered these situations. A couple of friends were chatting happily and wanted to have a sip, but when they needed a drink, they called for the waiter to bring it over. However, due to the waiter's busy schedule, they were unable to pick up the wine in time, which ruined Yaxing. In similar situations, it would be great if there were an automatic vending machine nearby. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of vending machines, which are unmanned retail machines?
The automatic wine vending machine has a 24-hour unmanned mode, saving rent and labor costs. It only takes one or two minutes from purchase to payment and then to shipment. The machine has a high fault tolerance rate and can flexibly change different locations and products. It has a built-in refrigeration function, and can be remotely controlled through a mobile phone to maintain the good taste of the wine.
The automatic vending machine has the following characteristics:
掃碼支付,不用現金,不用卡。傳統自動(dòng)售貨機的特點(diǎn)是用現金,或者會(huì )員卡支付后,自動(dòng)售貨機就把商品彈出來(lái)。那么自動(dòng)售酒機就不用卡和現金,掃碼支付,可以用微信或者都行,直接掃碼支付,掃碼后自動(dòng)成為會(huì )員,立即擁有電子會(huì )員卡,會(huì )員卡可以積分,充值余額,領(lǐng)取優(yōu)惠卷等等。
Scan code payment, no cash, no card. The characteristic of traditional vending machines is that after paying with cash or membership card, the vending machine will pop up the product. Then the automatic wine vending machine does not need cards and cash. It can pay by scanning the code, either WeChat or Alipay. It can pay directly by scanning the code. After scanning the code, it automatically becomes a member, and immediately has an electronic membership card. The membership card can provide points, recharge the balance, receive coupons, and so on.
24-hour automatic sales, unmanned. This is the same as a vending machine, where consumers make self-service purchases and serve alcohol, which is in line with the consumption habits of young people and reduces the cost of service personnel.
No pressure on payment, no pressure on goods. The traditional process of selling alcohol involves moving from the manufacturer to the agent, then from the large agent to the small agent, and finally to the terminal, in order to reach the hands of consumers. This process requires pressure and deposit. The automatic wine vending machine has no payment or inventory backlog, and has automatic ledger function. After consumers purchase alcohol, the payment amount is proportionally transferred to the accounts of the distillery, agent, terminal, etc., all of which are automatically credited. Pressure payment and pressure on goods have become history.
Of course, it is also necessary to regularly maintain the machine. You can use your phone to check the inventory status of the vending machine and replenish it in a timely manner. You need to find the source of goods and suitable locations yourself. If you plan to open an unmanned vending shop, you also need to decorate it yourself, which is inevitable. Feel free to contact us for inquiries if needed http://m.sdlngcjx.com !
