

發(fā)布于:2019-04-08 14:18:42  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  我們平常出門(mén)逛街都會(huì )在自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機里面買(mǎi)飲料,難道這些自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機是飲料的嗎?答案是否定的,因為自動(dòng)售酒機這種新型的賣(mài)酒方式已經(jīng)正式運營(yíng)。
  We usually buy drinks in vending machines when we go shopping. Are these vending machines patented for drinks? The answer is no, because the vending machine, a new way of selling wine, has been put into operation.
  Traditionally, vending machines sell things that have nothing to do with wine, but drinks and non-staple foods are the main ones. Now, liquor has begun to try this way of selling. It is a meaningful attempt to put products closer to consumers and use a more consumer-friendly sales method.
  When dining in a restaurant, you don't need to buy a whole bottle of wine. You can just buy a small glass of slow food as you like. Recently, reporters found in many restaurants in Chengdu, a "whole into zero" liquor sales model - vending machines quietly rise.
  飲料自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機在餐飲店早已屢見(jiàn)不鮮,可口可樂(lè )的自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機可以預裝旗下多款產(chǎn)品供消費者選擇。白酒的自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機卻是行業(yè)內的新鮮玩意。在自動(dòng)售酒機上,只要用卡在操作區一刷,就可以直接取酒飲用,還可以在餐桌上用手機下單完成取酒。由于單杯酒不高,再加上現在還有不少優(yōu)惠活動(dòng),不少消費者尤其是年輕消費者都樂(lè )意一試。通過(guò)該售酒機售酒的效果不錯,酒樓的酒水銷(xiāo)量上升不少。
  Beverage vending machines have long been common in restaurants. Coca-Cola vending machines can pre-install a variety of products for consumers to choose from. Liquor vending machines are new things in the industry. In the vending machine, as long as the card is brushed in the operating area, the wine can be directly taken and drinked, and the wine can be ordered on the dining table by mobile phone. Because the price of a single glass of wine is not high, and there are still many preferential activities, many consumers, especially young consumers are willing to try. Through the vending machine, the effect of selling wine is good, and the sales of wine in the restaurant has increased a lot.
  據記者了解,這種自動(dòng)售酒機是由四川得民投資股份有限公司目前大力推進(jìn)的一種自動(dòng)售酒平臺。這種平臺體系由四川得民投資股份有限公司和全球信息產(chǎn)業(yè)領(lǐng)軍企業(yè) IBM合作研發(fā),可把由一線(xiàn)酒企提供的高品質(zhì)原窖原漿酒配送智能售酒機,讓消費者通過(guò)售酒機或是手機APP購酒,并較終在售酒機前完成取酒。
  According to the reporter's understanding, this kind of vending machine is a kind of vending platform vigorously promoted by Sichuan Demin Investment Co., Ltd. This platform system is developed by Sichuan Demin Investment Co., Ltd. and IBM, a leading global information industry company. It can distribute high-quality raw cellar liquor provided by first-line liquor companies to intelligent liquor vending machines, so that consumers can purchase liquor through the vending machine or mobile phone APP, and finally complete liquor extraction before the vending machine.
  該售酒平臺還能通過(guò)移動(dòng)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和社交網(wǎng)絡(luò ),打通支付體系。據悉,該售酒機支持現金支付、現場(chǎng)消費和在線(xiàn)支付、線(xiàn)下消費兩種模式。消費者可以將現金支付給餐廳服務(wù)員,由服務(wù)員代為在售酒機上用其專(zhuān)屬的取酒卡支付并取酒,也可以通過(guò)APP下單并在線(xiàn)支付后,在售酒機上取酒,或者用APP生成取酒碼,在售酒機上輸入取酒碼取酒。
  The liquor-selling platform can also get through the payment system through the mobile Internet and social networks. It is reported that the vending machine supports cash payment, on-site consumption and online payment, offline consumption. Consumers can pay cash to the restaurant waiter, who will pay for the wine with his exclusive wine withdrawal card on the vending machine, or take the wine on the vending machine after placing an order through APP and paying online, or use APP to generate the wine withdrawal code and input the wine withdrawal code on the vending machine.
  "In short, its operation principle is to take the liquor vending machine as the consumer carrier and the mobile phone as the guide tool to form a complete closed-loop offline and online integration of liquor terminal, distributor (city operator), catering terminal (franchiser) and consumers, bringing consumers a new consumption experience of seamless O2 O based on mobile and social interaction." Zhang Qingping, general manager of Sichuan Demin Investment Co., Ltd., said, "Taking the catering alliance system as the breakthrough point and binding the sales channels strongly, our goal is to build a four-in-one intelligent liquor-selling 020 model of"intelligent liquor-selling terminal (liquor vending machine)+mobile terminal (APP)+licensing operation+industrial alliance".
  Why is the vending machine on fire?
  酒類(lèi)流通協(xié)會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)兼秘書(shū)長(cháng)劉員表示:“智能售酒機的出現,改變了酒類(lèi)行業(yè)的銷(xiāo)售、消費方式。”
  Liu Ren, vice president and secretary-general of China Wine Circulation Association, said: "The emergence of intelligent vending machines has changed the way of sales and consumption in the liquor industry."
  自動(dòng)售酒機模式,實(shí)現了線(xiàn)上線(xiàn)下資源相融合的雙向O2O模式,通過(guò)智能售酒終端將互聯(lián)網(wǎng)與線(xiàn)下的商務(wù)機會(huì )結合起來(lái),了線(xiàn)下配送的一,而智能終端自帶的無(wú)線(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò )功能,又將線(xiàn)下的客戶(hù)導流到線(xiàn)上更廣闊的平臺。同時(shí),將積壓白酒通過(guò)名酒廠(chǎng)直接調度消費者終端,實(shí)現了產(chǎn)品不竄貨、不亂價(jià),打造了從采購到銷(xiāo)售、從酒廠(chǎng)到實(shí)體店的全程供應鏈管理系統及物流追蹤系統。
  The vending machine mode realizes the two-way O2 O mode of online and offline resources integration. Intelligent terminal combines the Internet with offline business opportunities, and solves one kilometer offline distribution. The wireless network function of intelligent terminal also leads off-line customers to a broader online trading platform. At the same time, the backlog of liquor was directly dispatched to the consumer terminal through famous distilleries, so as to achieve the goal of no channeling of goods and no price disorder, and to build a whole process supply chain management system and logistics tracking system from purchasing to sales, from distilleries to physical stores.
