

發(fā)布于:2019-04-16 14:17:17  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  You know what? Stainless steel solid wood barrel is elegant and delicate, beautiful and compact, easy to carry, suitable for storage of various alcoholic products, it can also be used for promotional activities of companies, enterprises and institutions, can also be used as business gifts and festival gifts pot body made of stainless steel, ergonomic curve design, fashionable and beautiful, atmospheric practical, suddenly showing the user's generosity. Stainless steel wine container is practical, beautiful and fashionable. Half a kilo at a time, enjoy yourself.
  Stainless Steel Solid Wood Barrels Make Your Life Taste
  ,其主體為不銹鋼材料,有時(shí)會(huì )在表面上貼真皮、再造皮、天然木、纖維織物等,或者進(jìn)行光面、磨砂面、鍍金、壓花紋、壓圖案等工藝方面的處理,使得整個(gè)酒容器顯得更加美觀(guān)。不容器上的真皮材料一般采用牛皮和羊皮,顏色上有很多選擇,同時(shí)還可以制作出蛇皮、豹紋、鱷魚(yú)皮等花紋,而纖維織物一般以單色為主,或者使用一些格子布、迷彩布等。于款式方面,四方的形狀是不銹鋼酒容器為經(jīng)典的款式。
  First of all, the main body is stainless steel material. Sometimes, it will stick dermis, reconstructed leather, natural wood, fiber fabrics on the surface, or process such as polishing, grinding surface, gold plating, embossing pattern, embossing pattern, etc. to make the whole wine container look more beautiful. The leather material on the non-permissible device is usually cowhide and sheepskin. There are many choices in color. At the same time, snakeskin, leopard print, crocodile skin and other patterns can be made. The fabric of the fiber is mainly monochrome, or some plaid cloth and camouflage cloth are used. As for style, the square shape is the most classic style of stainless steel wine containers.
  Secondly, the market today also has round, heart-shaped, bulb-shaped, ancient wine altar shape and other personalized design shapes. However, if distinguished from the general categories, containers can be roughly divided into four categories: wide, narrow, round and square. In addition, stainless steel solid wood barrels are manually, mechanically, semi-manually and semi-mechanically manufactured, but the factors affecting the price are the production process, not necessarily the most expensive hand-made wine containers.
  后,使用這種酒容器的人還不是很多,這大概緣于人與外國人生活習慣的不同。畢竟,人的酒都是在飯桌上喝的,誰(shuí)也不會(huì )拎著(zhù)一個(gè)不銹鋼酒容器到處走。我們發(fā)現,雖然這種酒不銹鋼酒容器是舶來(lái)品,但如今開(kāi)始使用的人漸漸增多,尤其以年輕人為主。因為其攜帶方便、衛生,被用在戶(hù)外運動(dòng)、野營(yíng)、旅游等方面比較常見(jiàn)。
  Finally, not many people use this kind of wine container, probably because of the different living habits between Chinese and foreigners. After all, Chinese people drink their wine at the dinner table, and nobody will walk around with a stainless steel wine container. We found that although this stainless steel wine container is an imported product, the number of people starting to use it is increasing, especially young people. Because of its convenience and sanitation, it is commonly used in outdoor sports, camping and tourism.
  Advantages of solid wood barrels:
  1. Using thorough drying of wood, solid wood can be made into constant temperature and humidity.
  2、設備采用鋁箔內膽,阻濕、阻隔、避光、耐滲透性和外表美觀(guān)的功能常溫狀態(tài),葡萄酒,紅酒,白酒放在酒桶內不會(huì )變質(zhì),揮發(fā)。
  2. The equipment adopts professional aluminium foil inner gallbladder, which has the functions of moisture-proof, light-proof, permeability-proof and beautiful appearance. Wine, red wine and liquor will not deteriorate and volatilize when put in the barrel.
  3. Perfect radian of wine barrel, delicate, smooth and generous display of the tension of wooden wine barrel.
  4. Suitable for fresh storage and storage of wine and other wines and juices.
  5. Family, Hotel and bar decorations are symbols of identity and taste.
  6. Special gifts suitable for presenting relatives and friends.
  7. The wooden wine barrel is made of natural oak, Korean pine and other dense materials, and finely carved by the traditional "mortise iron hoop" technology. The wood texture is clear, green, non-toxic and durable. The charm of local ancient charm and handicraft skills lies between barrel cubic inches.
  8、是可以很好的保存酒液,賦予酒一些新的風(fēng)味。在經(jīng)過(guò)特別的方法制作成用來(lái)加強酒的風(fēng)味,終這種風(fēng)味是會(huì )影響到酒的。
  8. It can preserve liquor very well and give liquor some new flavor. It is produced in a special way to enhance the flavor of the wine, which will eventually affect the wine.
