

發(fā)布于:2019-04-19 14:12:18  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  曲阜市仁泰容器包裝有限公司在傳統手工藝加工基礎上研制了一系列不銹鋼內膽木酒桶,木制白酒木酒桶,散酒木酒桶,馬拉車(chē)仿古木酒桶工藝品,原生態(tài)條編酒簍,白酒木酒海等白酒存儲配套設備產(chǎn)品,通過(guò)多年的發(fā)展創(chuàng )新成立的一個(gè)集容器制造業(yè)與酒類(lèi)實(shí)木包裝為一體的綜合性企業(yè)。仁泰公司生產(chǎn)的不銹鋼內膽實(shí)木酒桶屬?lài)鴥仁讋?chuàng )的產(chǎn)品,實(shí)木酒桶既具有實(shí)用性,更有收藏和觀(guān)賞價(jià)值,可根據廠(chǎng)家要求定制各種規格,是白酒和葡萄酒包裝的產(chǎn)品.
  Qufu Rentai Container Packaging Co., Ltd. has developed a series of liquor storage equipment products based on traditional handicraft processing, such as stainless steel inner liner wooden barrel, wooden high-grade liquor wooden barrel, bulk liquor wooden barrel, horse-drawn car antique wooden barrel, original eco-barrel, liquor, wooden liquor, sea and so on. Class solid wood packaging as one of the comprehensive enterprises. The stainless steel inner liner solid wood barrel produced by Rentai Company is the first patent product in China. The solid wood barrel is not only practical, but also has collection and ornamental value. It can be customized according to the requirements of the manufacturer. It is the preferred product for high-grade packaging of liquor and wine.
  自動(dòng)售酒機不論前端還是后臺,都實(shí)現了智能化操作,當售酒機內的酒低于3斤時(shí),系統會(huì )自動(dòng)報警,同時(shí)售酒機禁止向未成年人售酒。自動(dòng)售酒機白酒、黃酒、啤酒等,可以應用在社區、酒店、飯店、夜市等地方,而且可以自己設定溫度,有常溫、冷藏、加熱三種,使用自動(dòng)售酒機時(shí),先準備好接酒的容器,然后掃碼付款即可出酒,方便快捷。
  Intelligent operation has been realized in both front and back of the vending machine. When the liquor in the vending machine is less than 3 kg, the system will automatically alarm, and the vending machine prohibits the sale of liquor to minors. Vending machine liquor, yellow wine, beer, etc., can be used in communities, hotels, restaurants, night markets and other places, and can set their own temperature, there are three kinds of room temperature, refrigeration, heating. When using vending machine, first prepare the container to receive wine, and then sweep the code to pay for the wine, convenient and fast.
  Intelligent operation is realized in both front-end and back-end.
  Performance of vending machine
  1、自動(dòng)售酒機以銷(xiāo)售中低端系列酒為主,酒價(jià)從70元/500ml到200元/500ml不等,滿(mǎn)足大眾消費者的需求,該售酒機主要通過(guò)市場(chǎng)亮相,初始將在50家到100家市場(chǎng)進(jìn)行試點(diǎn),后期預計在成都布局餐飲店,用以支持一般家庭、朋友聚會(huì )消費。
  1. The vending machine mainly sells middle and low-end series of wines. The price of liquor varies from 70 yuan/500 ml to 200 yuan/500 ml. It meets the needs of the masses of consumers. The vending machine will appear mainly through the market. At first, it will be piloted in 50 to 100 markets. Later, it is expected to lay out restaurants in Chengdu to support the gathering and consumption of ordinary families and friends.
  2、由于售酒機里的酒都是企業(yè)直供,減少了中間環(huán)節以及包裝,相應的在零售終端的也會(huì )更優(yōu)惠。這是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)發(fā)展以及消費升級的趨勢,消費者更偏好簡(jiǎn)單、便捷、任性的消費方式,對于普通白酒消費者而言,售酒機提供了更多的選擇。
  2. Because the liquor in the vending machine is supplied directly by the enterprise, it reduces the intermediate links and packaging, and the corresponding price in the retail terminal will be more favorable. This is the trend of Internet development and consumption upgrading. Consumers prefer simple, convenient and capricious consumption mode. For ordinary liquor consumers, vending machines provide more choices.
  3. The vending machine conforms to the development trend of intelligent life, and more in line with people's living habits.
  當售酒機內的酒低于3斤時(shí),系統會(huì )自動(dòng)報警,同時(shí)售酒機禁止向未成年人售酒
  When the liquor in the vending machine is less than 3 kg, the system will automatically alarm, and the vending machine prohibits the sale of liquor to minors.
  Advantages of the Vending Machine
  1. The vending machine adopts the mode of no-person selling, and uses APP to scan the code to pay. Intelligent management is easy enough.
  2、投資小風(fēng)險小,2人就可創(chuàng )業(yè)生產(chǎn),營(yíng)運模式簡(jiǎn)單好操作。這也讓自動(dòng)售酒機更有競爭力。
  2. The investment is small and the risk is small. Two people can start their own business. The operation mode is simple and easy to operate. It also makes vending machines more competitive.
  3. It provides suitable drinks and services and 24-hour business hours. For the data processing of sales situation, the customer group covers a wide range. Drinks are sold all the year round, harvesting more and earning more.
  4. With only one mobile phone, you can easily buy all kinds of brands of liquor, which greatly facilitates the lives of consumers.
