

發(fā)布于:2019-05-29 16:14:50  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  全自動(dòng)智能售酒機是全新的酒業(yè)零售方式,“未來(lái)不會(huì )有電子商務(wù),只有新的零售,”他說(shuō)。這一聲明,讓很多白酒電商對未來(lái)感到不確定。
  Fully automatic intelligent vending machine is a brand new retail mode of wine industry. "There will be no e-commerce in the future, only new retail," he said. This statement makes many liquor-making businesses feel uncertain about the future.
  From beginning to end, the industry has never stopped questioning the e-commerce of wine. For example, the giants in the industry - Jiuxian Networks, 1919 and other platforms have lost money for many years, but there is still no good profit model. Perhaps "new retail" is the development direction of many e-commerce platforms.
  是被互聯(lián)網(wǎng)徹底改變的,在共享單車(chē)和移動(dòng)支付方面處于世界地位。政府還提出了“公共企業(yè)家精神、民族創(chuàng )新”,我們人多,與大,與時(shí)間賽跑,幾乎不考慮假期,拼命saburo,自然效率高,花朵,無(wú)人駕駛汽車(chē)也幾百度強大的企業(yè),騰訊,在生產(chǎn)中,如華為、上海發(fā)布沒(méi)有駕駛執照。在不久的將來(lái),人們開(kāi)車(chē)可能是違法的!在這一領(lǐng)域,所有的創(chuàng )新模式都走在了世界的前列。
  China is a country that has been completely changed by the Internet. It is a world leader in sharing bicycles and mobile payments. The government has also put forward "public entrepreneurship, national innovation". We are a large, large, and time-race, hardly considering holidays, desperately saburo, natural efficiency, flowers, driverless cars are also several Baidu's powerful excellent enterprises, Tencent, in production, such as Huawei, Shanghai issued no driving license. In the near future, it may be illegal for people to drive a car! In this field, all innovative models in China are at the forefront of the world.
  的技術(shù)是人類(lèi)進(jìn)步的動(dòng)力。新零售是一場(chǎng)工具創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)的革命,的新零售革命幾乎已經(jīng)超過(guò)了所有發(fā)達。上海街頭出現了無(wú)員工、無(wú)現金的24小時(shí)便利店。
  Advanced technology is the driving force of human progress. New retailing is a tool innovation-driven revolution. China's new retailing revolution has surpassed almost all developed countries. There are 24-hour convenience stores without employees and cash on the streets of Shanghai.
  2017年,年作為一種新的零售、市場(chǎng)分割、產(chǎn)業(yè)升級,許多實(shí)體零售企業(yè)創(chuàng )新轉型,更新產(chǎn)品、物流、供應鏈系統,使用大數據來(lái)分析消費者,“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”的引入打破網(wǎng)上線(xiàn),使用人工智能來(lái)提高銷(xiāo)售的效率,和恢復的結構格式,并在那個(gè)時(shí)候,各種各樣的新零售業(yè)態(tài)不斷涌現,吸引了眾多消費者參與體驗,也讓許多企業(yè)收獲了陌生人的利益,因此,“新零售模式”開(kāi)啟了一個(gè)時(shí)代的前端,在此基礎上,好酒網(wǎng)智能白酒機行業(yè),成為行業(yè)中的標桿。
  In 2017, the first year as a new retail, market segmentation and industrial upgrading, many entity retail enterprises innovated and transformed, updated products, logistics and supply chain systems, and used big data to analyze consumers. The introduction of "Internet +" broke the online line, using artificial intelligence to improve sales efficiency and restore the structural format, and at that time, a variety of new retail formats continued. Emergence has attracted many consumers to participate in the experience, but also let many enterprises reap the benefits of strangers. Therefore, the "new retail model" has opened a front end of the era. On this basis, the good wine network intelligent liquor machine industry has become a benchmark in the industry.
  In the past, the traditional alcohol sales model has many distribution levels, low cycle efficiency, lack of quality assurance and other problems, especially wholesalers with high operating costs, high-pressure payment days, high purchasing costs of terminal merchants, poor service experience and other pain points, which seriously restrict the development of the industry.
  Compared with the traditional store sales mode, Rentai automatic intelligent liquor vending machine breaks through the human-computer boundary and perfectly realizes the human-computer interaction experience. By using the Internet of Things technology, the trinity of "consumer + liquor dealer + logistics" has been realized, which has the following characteristics:
  1. 通過(guò)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)技術(shù),企業(yè)可以通過(guò)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)系統實(shí)時(shí)監控機器庫存進(jìn)行補充,并分析消費者購物的細節,進(jìn)一步優(yōu)化消費者體驗。
  1. Through the Internet of Things technology, enterprises can real-time monitor machine inventory through the Internet system to supplement, and analyze the details of consumer shopping, further optimize consumer experience.
  II. Intelligent temperature control storage can adjust the temperature and humidity of the vending machine according to the actual situation.
  3. The cargo passage can be adjusted, and the width of the cargo passage can be adjusted flexibly according to the size of the bottle body of the beverage.
  4. Lifting platform for liquor extraction. Intelligent liquor vending machine can be combined with operation guide rail and lifting platform to complete the liquor extraction process, and be delivered by conveyor belt to avoid collision of liquor and ensure the safety of liquor.
  5. Take 20 seconds to get wine from the order. Use it quickly and operate smoothly. More than 50 kinds of drinks can be selected.
  At present, the automatic intelligent wine selling machine basically realizes the payment methods of WeChat, Alipay and UnionPay POS. Consumers can buy their own wine by using simple mobile devices.
  全自動(dòng)智能售酒機是全新的酒業(yè)零售方式,時(shí)代需要創(chuàng )新和技術(shù)革命,好酒的航線(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò )智能酒機、連續的“新零售”模式,使用人工智能、大數據,如物聯(lián)網(wǎng)技術(shù),實(shí)現酒精電力革命和創(chuàng )新,導致新的零售行業(yè)的方向,構建和促進(jìn)整個(gè)行業(yè)的生態(tài)可持續發(fā)展。
  Fully automatic intelligent liquor vending machine is a new retail mode of liquor industry. The era needs innovation and technological revolution. Intelligent liquor vending machine with good liquor route network and continuous "new retail" mode uses artificial intelligence and big data, such as Internet of Things technology, to realize the revolution and innovation of alcohol power, which leads to the direction of new retail industry, and to build and promote the ecological sustainable development of the whole industry.
