

發(fā)布于:2024-02-05 22:33:41  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

這些年國外洋酒不斷流入國內市場(chǎng),也受到國內一大波消費者的追捧和喜愛(ài)。但是,市場(chǎng)對白酒的需求并沒(méi)有減少,對白酒的需求量依然很大,尤其是在我們國內的宴會(huì )上,白酒是火爆場(chǎng)面的必備品。同時(shí),愛(ài)酒人士對白酒的喜愛(ài)也不會(huì )減弱,他們對白酒的儲存量不斷增加。那么,用什么來(lái)釀造白酒生產(chǎn)白酒呢?自然是白酒釀造設備。

In recent years, foreign liquor has continuously entered the domestic market and has also been sought after and loved by a large wave of consumers in China. However, the market demand for Baijiu has not decreased, and the demand for Baijiu is still very large, especially in our domestic banquets, Baijiu is a must for hot scenes. At the same time, the love of Baijiu lovers will not weaken, and their storage of Baijiu is increasing. So, what is used to brew Baijiu and produce Baijiu? Naturally, it is Baijiu brewing equipment.

釀酒設備操作簡(jiǎn)單,即使是沒(méi)有任何釀造經(jīng)驗的新手,也可以輕松學(xué)會(huì ),不需要花費太多的時(shí)間和去學(xué)習。同時(shí),釀酒的原料和釀酒的過(guò)程都可以由一兩個(gè)人完成,不需要多人參與,節省人力。

The brewing equipment is easy to operate, even beginners without any brewing experience can easily learn without spending too much time and money on learning. At the same time, both the raw ma

20220310115727627.pngterials and the brewing process can be completed by one or two people, without the need for multiple people to participate, saving manpower.


What are the advantages of brewing equipment? 1、 The investment is small, and the price of brewing equipment is moderate, but the return on investment during the production process is high, resulting in higher product prices. Secondly, it takes up little space and does not require a large factory building. Production can be carried out in small rooms of several tens of square meters. Thirdly, the process is simple, the equipment is easy to operate, and easy to start. Fourth, the market demand for Baijiu is large and the prospect is good. Fifth, Baijiu has storage value. The longer Baijiu is collected, the higher the price.


Many people don't know how big the brewing equipment is for them when they choose it. In fact, there are many types of Baijiu brewing equipment, ranging from large ones to small ones, among which only a few kilograms of grain can be loaded at a time, which is suitable for people to drink when they are bored. This can burn gas. If you have leisure, you can also build a small stove, which is very convenient.

還有一種迷你型的家用釀酒設備,這種比上一種大得多,它一次可以裝幾十斤糧食,如果你自己喝不完也可以拿去送親朋好友,如果你想去市場(chǎng)上賣(mài)也是可以的,就是看有沒(méi)有買(mǎi)。但是你要記住一點(diǎn),做這個(gè)的時(shí)候取得量要適中,然后你再燒的時(shí)候才會(huì )方便許多。這種也是燒煤氣、燒柴、燒煤都可以,你喜歡哪種就選擇哪種都是很方便的,這也是家庭釀酒的好選擇。

There is also a mini household brewing equipment, which is much larger than the previous one. It can hold dozens of kilograms of grain at once. If you can't finish drinking it yourself, you can take it to give to your family and friends. If you want to sell it in the market, you can also see if you have bought it. But you need to remember one thing, when doing this, the amount should be moderate, and then it will be much more convenient when you burn it again. This type can also be used to burn gas, firewood, or coal. It is very convenient for you to choose whichever type you like, and it is also a good choice for home brewing.

那小作坊釀酒小的可以選擇100公斤的那種白酒釀造設備。其中有留意到值得的是“蒸汽加散熱片”型的,聽(tīng)說(shuō)這款釀酒設備既不用擔心會(huì )糊鍋,就像傳統的釀酒設備那樣,也不用口感不好,它可以提升酒的質(zhì)量同樣的口感產(chǎn)量也會(huì )提高,這是小作坊釀酒的選擇了。

The small workshop can choose the Baijiu brewing equipment of 100kg. Among them, it is worth recommending the "steam with heat sink" type. It is said that this brewing equipment does not need to worry about the pot burning, just like traditional brewing equipment, nor does it have a bad taste. It can improve the quality of the wine, and the same taste and yield will also increase. This is the choice for small workshop brewing.
