

發(fā)布于:2024-07-19 14:14:16  來源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com


  Wine is a living beverage. In addition to being made from grapes and influenced by many natural and external factors, they can undergo a complete transformation when they go through a stage in wooden barrels (another organic material). In fact, wine barrels have many effects: they can have an impact on aroma, flavor, and texture, and promote significant changes in the final outcome of the beverage. Do you want to know how this process works? Read to the end!


  The importance of wooden barrels: how to age wine in wooden barrels? Before explaining the details of wooden barrels, it is important to understand their impact on wine. From a historical perspective, even before the aging process of wine, using wooden barrels has been a preservation method. For centuries, even before glass bottles appeared, these containers were used to store wine. Wooden barrels used to be a storage method, but now they are a resource for producers. However, over time, people have noticed the impact of wood on the final outcome of wine, and now producers use wooden barrels as a resource for brewing.20230401105207160.jpg


  Wine barrels have three main functions. Below, we will explain how each situation occurs and their outcomes in alcohol.


  Adding aroma and flavor: When wine is placed in a barrel, its acidity comes into contact with the wood walls. In this way, a chemical reaction will occur, and aromatic compounds will begin to mix and change.


  The most common aromas produced during aging in wooden barrels include dried fruit, coconut, spices, smoky, and vanilla.


  Reduce the speed of oxygenation process: Wood is a porous material, meaning its extended parts are covered with small pores. Therefore, when grapes must be aged in wooden barrels, a process called wine micro oxidation occurs.


  During this period, the air slowly exchanges with the environment, and when oxygen comes into contact with tannins present in the liquid, it eventually "softens" the substance. That is to say, if the previous wine had a strong astringency, then after aging, it will have a smoother and softer taste. Barrel aging is crucial for softening the tannins in wine. Therefore, when producers use Nebbiolo, Primitivo, Malbec, and Cabernet Sauvignon tannins grapes, or when they intend to produce wines with high aging and longevity potential, wooden barrels are the producers' choice.


  Promoting metabolic reactions: This topic is directly related to malolactic fermentation, which is a chemical reaction that converts malic acid into lactic acid. Producers who want to give wine more buttery and creamy texture while slightly reducing acidity often use this process. This technology is not only used for red wine, but also for white wine labeling. Sometimes, manufacturers only put a portion into the barrel, so that in addition to the new characteristics produced by fermentation, the label does not lose its original subtle differences, which are more acidic and fruity.


  Types of wine barrels: Now that we have explained the principle of aging in barrels, it is important to note that the type of wood used can also affect the final outcome of the wine. The most commonly used are American oak and French oak, although there are other rarer examples, both have significant differences.


  American Oak: American oak is native to the United States and typically gives wine flavors of coconut and vanilla, as well as a hint of herbal dill. In the new world, it is constantly being used to make fruit labels stronger.


  French oak: When we talk about oak barrel aging, French oak barrels are the dream of many winemakers. They are much more expensive than those in the United States, but they play a more subtle and organic role in the formation of aroma. In addition, French oak has stronger porosity, allowing more oxygen to pass through and further aiding in the maturation process of tannins. French oak is one of the main woods used to make wine barrels.


  Generally speaking, it emphasizes the subtle differences of simplicity, and the aroma of this wood includes notes of vanilla, leather, tobacco, estate, smoky, and cooked food.


  Other types: Some Eastern European countries also have their own oak varieties, so they are used to age wine. One of the most popular oak woods is Hungarian oak, which is common in Hungary and Romania and is typically used for stronger labels. There are still some producers who use different types of wood to find other features of their wines. For example, chestnut wood, acacia wood, Iberian oak, and English oak. Other factors of wine barrels: In addition to the aging process in the barrel and the type of wood used, there are other factors that can also affect the final outcome of wine.


  The degree of baking of the bucket


  To accelerate the production of certain aromas, wooden barrels are usually baked directly over the fire before use. This process caramelizes the natural sugars in the wood, which can produce smoky, spice, and even candy aromas depending on the specific situation. Before use, the interior of the bucket will be burned.

  當然,并不是所有的酒桶都以相同的方式烘烤,它們暴露在火中的時間長短可能會有所不同。一般來說,小桶烘烤分為三個級別:輕微:與火接觸多 25 分鐘。它散發(fā)出香草、椰子、焦糖、丁香和肉桂的香氣;中度:接觸火25分鐘以上。除了香草味外,它還能產(chǎn)生蜂蜜、咖啡和可可的香味。重度:在較高溫度下與火接觸25分鐘以上。為葡萄酒帶來咖啡、煙熏、焦糖布丁、糖蜜和太妃糖的香氣。值得記住的是,盡管目的保持不變,但時間和溫度可能會根據(jù)制造商的不同而有所不同。也有不經(jīng)過烘烤就使用的桶,稱為“天然”。在這種情況下,除了微氧化過程之外,它們還會以更微妙的方式干擾葡萄酒,帶來更淡的香氣。

  Of course, not all wine barrels are baked in the same way, and the length of time they are exposed to fire may vary. Generally speaking, small bucket baking is divided into three levels: mild: maximum 25 minutes of contact with fire. It emits aromas of vanilla, coconut, caramel, cloves, and cinnamon; Moderate: Exposure to fire for more than 25 minutes. In addition to its vanilla flavor, it can also produce aromas of honey, coffee, and cocoa. Severe: Contact with fire for more than 25 minutes at high temperatures. Bring the aroma of coffee, smoke, caramel pudding, molasses, and toffee to wine. It is worth noting that although the purpose remains unchanged, the time and temperature may vary depending on the manufacturer. There are also buckets that are used without baking, called 'natural'. In this case, in addition to the micro oxidation process, they will also interfere with the wine in a more subtle way, bringing a lighter aroma.

  桶重復利用:正如我們之前提到的,桶并不是廉價物品。事實上,它們的成本很高,也正因為如此,它們經(jīng)常被多次使用。當然,隨著時間的推移,木桶對飲料的風味和香氣的干擾會減少,所以這不是可以多次完成的事情 - 多三到四次。對于釀酒廠來說,將他們的葡萄酒儲存在木桶中是很常見的。在其他情況下,生產(chǎn)商打算強調(diào)葡萄的質(zhì)量,用已經(jīng)使用過的木材進行陳釀,只是為了軟化單寧。

  Bucket reuse: As we mentioned earlier, buckets are not cheap items. In fact, their cost is high, and because of this, they are often used multiple times. Of course, over time, the interference of wooden barrels on the flavor and aroma of beverages will decrease, so this is not something that can be done multiple times - at most three to four times. It is common for wineries to store their high-quality wines in wooden barrels for the first time. In other cases, producers intend to emphasize the quality of grapes by aging them with already used wood, just to soften the tannins.

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