

發(fā)布于:2021-04-06 18:05:44  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

釀酒過(guò)程中,要注意避免雜菌感染。操作環(huán)境是否干凈,酒器工作是否到位,操作人員的衛生意識,都會(huì )影響酒的發(fā)酵質(zhì)量好與壞。除了酒曲的因素外,還與原料的干凈度及環(huán)境衛生有關(guān)。
In the process of wine making, we should pay attention to avoid the infection of miscellaneous bacteria. Whether the operating environment is clean, whether the sterilization work is in place, and the health awareness of the operators will affect the quality of wine fermentation. In addition to the factors of koji, it is also related to the cleanliness of raw materials and environmental hygiene.
酒曲好壞會(huì )直接影響發(fā)酵率、出酒率及酒品風(fēng)味。以麩皮等谷物為原料,經(jīng)拌曲接菌培養后,用于釀酒中糖化及酒精發(fā)酵過(guò)程的混合物。釀酒用的器具要材質(zhì)精良。設備材質(zhì)如不精良,釀出的酒很可能會(huì )含鉛。釀酒過(guò)程基本上都是人在操作,所以釀酒設備用具須符合人體的需要與方便性
The quality of koji will directly affect the fermentation rate, liquor yield and liquor flavor. Wheat bran and other cereals were used as raw materials for saccharification and alcohol fermentation in liquor making. Wine making utensils should be made of fine materials. If the equipment material is not good, the wine may contain lead. Wine making process is basically operated by people, so wine making equipment must meet the needs and convenience of human body
It is a common problem for beginners that the temperature of mixed starter is not well controlled. Some wine makers often say that they should wait until the rice stand is cool before they can spread the bacteria. Results due to the insufficient temperature, the growth ability of distiller's yeast was insufficient, and the competition of miscellaneous bacteria was not enough at the initial stage, which led to the growth of miscellaneous bacteria, affected the flavor and saccharification ability of distiller's yeast, and naturally affected the liquor yield and quality.
儲酒桶以酒質(zhì)為優(yōu),需應用陶瓷罐來(lái)儲存,分裝時(shí)再用陶瓷盆或玻璃瓶來(lái)裝。但是要注意氣密度,否則酒容易揮發(fā)。釀酒過(guò)程的溫度控制要適宜。不管是發(fā)酵過(guò)程還是煮酒的火候都要注意。發(fā)酵過(guò)程的溫度、溫度控制及后期發(fā)酵的管理都會(huì )影響酒質(zhì)。
The quality of wine is the best in the wine barrel, which needs to be stored in ceramic cans, and then packed in ceramic pots or glass bottles. But pay attention to the gas density, otherwise the wine is easy to volatilize. The temperature control of wine making process should be appropriate. Pay attention to both the fermentation process and the cooking temperature. The temperature of fermentation process, temperature control and management of late fermentation will affect the quality of wine.
