

發(fā)布于:2021-04-07 16:18:30  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

Because of its small size, wine making equipment is generally used in families or small workshops. The emergence of the equipment not only solves the "heart disease" of many people who love drinking, but also makes pure grain brewing by themselves. In the process of brewing, they use their hands and brains to adjust the pressure of life. Its operation is relatively simple, no complex process, very easy to learn, high efficiency, to meet the needs of customers. Today, I'd like to introduce the main reasons for the blockage of the pulverizer in the brewing equipment.
一是進(jìn)料速度過(guò)快,負荷增大,造成釀酒設備粉碎機堵塞。在進(jìn)料過(guò)程中,要隨時(shí)注意電流表指針偏轉角度大,如果超過(guò)額定電流,表明電機超載,長(cháng)時(shí)間過(guò)載,會(huì )燒壞電機。出現這種情況應立即減小或關(guān)閉料門(mén),也可以改變進(jìn)料的方式,通過(guò)增加喂料器來(lái)控制進(jìn)料量。
The first is that the feeding speed is too fast and the load increases, causing the crushing machine of wine making equipment to be blocked. In the feeding process, pay attention to the large deflection angle of ammeter pointer at any time. If it exceeds the rated current, it indicates that the motor is overloaded. If it is overloaded for a long time, it will burn the motor. In this case, the feeding door should be reduced or closed immediately, or the feeding mode can be changed, and the feeding amount can be controlled by increasing the feeder.
There are two kinds of feeders: manual and automatic. The user should choose the right feeder according to the actual situation. Due to the high speed, high load and strong fluctuation of load of sorghum crusher. Therefore, the current of sorghum grinder is generally controlled at 85% of the rated current.
二是出料管道不暢或堵塞導致釀酒設備粉碎機堵塞。進(jìn)料過(guò)快,會(huì )使高粱粉碎機風(fēng)口堵塞;與輸送設備匹配不當會(huì )造成出料管道風(fēng)減弱或無(wú)風(fēng)后堵死;布袋除塵型產(chǎn)品,如果不注意定時(shí)清理布袋,也容易造成引風(fēng)機風(fēng)量減弱或無(wú)風(fēng)后堵死。查出故障后,應先清通送口變更不匹配的輸送設備,調整進(jìn)進(jìn)料量,使設備正常運行。
Second, the outlet pipe is not smooth or blocked, which leads to the blocking of wine making equipment crusher. If the feed is too fast, the air outlet of sorghum pulverizer will be blocked; if the feed is not matched with the conveying equipment properly, the air in the discharge pipe will be weakened or blocked after no air; if the bag dust removal products do not pay attention to cleaning the bag regularly, the air volume of induced draft fan will be weakened or blocked after no air. After the fault is found out, the feeding port should be cleared first, the mismatched conveying equipment should be changed, and the feeding quantity should be adjusted to make the equipment operate normally.
三是齒爪或者錘片斷、老化,篩網(wǎng)孔封閉、破爛,粉碎的物料含水量過(guò)高都會(huì )使釀酒設備粉碎機堵塞,應定期更新折斷和嚴重老化的齒爪或者錘片,保持粉碎機良好的工作狀態(tài),并定期檢查篩網(wǎng),粉碎的物料含水率應低于14%,這樣既可提高生產(chǎn)效率,又使高梁粉碎機不堵塞,增強釀酒設備粉碎機工作的可靠性。
Third, teeth claw or hammer pieces, aging, screen holes closed, broken, comminuted material moisture content is too high will make the wine equipment crusher blocked, should be regularly updated broken and seriously aging teeth claw or hammer pieces, keep the grinder in good working condition, and regularly check the screen, comminuted material moisture content should be less than 14%, this can not only improve production efficiency, but also make sorghum crushing The machine is not blocked, and the reliability of the crushing machine of wine making equipment is enhanced.
