

發(fā)布于:2022-05-05 17:35:01  來(lái)源:http://m.sdlngcjx.com

  健康飲酒是很多用戶(hù)如今的生活規則,當然為了追求更好的購買(mǎi)方式,市場(chǎng)慢慢推出了自動(dòng)售酒機這個(gè)機器,方便快捷且喝多少買(mǎi)多少,不會(huì )造成浪費,可以說(shuō)自動(dòng)售酒機的出現更符合市場(chǎng)及用戶(hù)的需求!
  Healthy drinking is the rule of life for many users now, of course, in order to pursue a better way to buy, the market slowly launched the automatic wine machine this machine, convenient and fast and drink how much to buy how much, will not cause waste, it can be said that the emergence of automatic wine machine is more in line with the needs of the market and users!
  As mobile payment gradually develops from many big cities to small towns, mobile payment can better combine terminal devices and platforms with the Internet, which makes shopping more convenient and diversifies the ways of products from source to consumers. In addition, more emphasis is placed on the satisfaction of consumers' feelings and customer psychological experience, which has also become one of the subjective factors in the market value of automatic wine vending machines.
  自動(dòng)售酒機是可以運用到目前發(fā)展比較好的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)等技術(shù),感知消費者的消費習慣并且預測消費趨勢進(jìn)行智慧零售,因此也是會(huì )引導著(zhù)生產(chǎn)制造的方向從而也是可以給消費者提高更加多樣化的產(chǎn)品還有服務(wù)。就目前使用自動(dòng)售酒機的時(shí)代背景來(lái)說(shuō)前景是非常好的,而且可以更好的結合著(zhù)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)并且進(jìn)行相應的運營(yíng)工作可以擁有非常好的效果。
  Automatic wine vending machine can be applied to the currently developed Internet, Internet of things and other technologies to perceive consumers' consumption habits and predict consumer trends for smart retail. Therefore, it will also guide the direction of production and manufacturing, so as to improve consumers' more diversified products and services. In terms of the era background of the current use of automatic wine vending machine, the prospect is very good, and it can better combine with the Internet and carry out the corresponding operation work can have very good results.
  在傳統買(mǎi)酒的時(shí)候傳統的經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商在銷(xiāo)售的時(shí)候也是陷入了新的困局,即產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈的兩頭被擠壓從而導致渠道中間的環(huán)節利潤變少生存更加困難。然后上游的酒廠(chǎng)也是會(huì )往下擠壓使得經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商的利潤縮減。
  Traditional distributors also fall into a new dilemma when they buy wine, that is, the two ends of the industrial chain are squeezed, which leads to less profit for the link in the middle of the channel and more difficulties for survival. Then the upstream wineries will squeeze down on dealers' margins.
  但與此同時(shí)下游也是在向上擠壓的從而讓經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商的生存空間更有所壓縮。那么如果想要這一問(wèn)題是需要對產(chǎn)業(yè)進(jìn)行升級,然后通過(guò)更加創(chuàng )新的商業(yè)模式來(lái)給消費者提供更好的酒類(lèi)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),或者是結合著(zhù)線(xiàn)上和線(xiàn)下來(lái)制定更加符合消費者需求的方式。
  But at the same time, the downstream is also being squeezed up so that dealers' living space is more compressed. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to upgrade the industry, and then provide consumers with better wine products and services through more innovative business models, or combine online and offline to develop ways that are more in line with consumer needs.
  The emergence of automatic wine vending machine is more in line with the market and user needs of the relevant content is said above, if you have the need to come to the website m.sdlngcjx.com for consultation, or to understand the relevant information content.
